TJ has occasionally asked me if Santa was real. I honestly wasn't sure what to tell him. I don't ever recall believing in Santa (probably because Eric, the practical realist, was my big brother), and I wasn't sure I wanted TJ to believe in Santa, but I also didn't want to ruin a part of childhood for him. So I was deliberately vague whenever TJ asked me. I would usually just ask him if he thought Santa was real, and TJ would reply that he wasn't sure.
A few weeks ago, TJ informed me that he KNEW Santa wasn't real. I asked him why he thought that and he replied, "Grandma told me!" Okay, there's another reason why I didn't believe in Santa. My mother, the practical realist. Ha ha. Anyway, he told me he thought it was silly that some of his classmates believed in Santa. I told him that he should be nice and let them decide what they wanted to believe.
Last night, TJ asked me if I would please leave out some chocolate milk and candy before I went to bed on Christmas Eve. I asked him why, and he said, "Well, just in case Santa is real, he might be hungry when he stops by." I thought that was cute. He wants to cover all of his bases. I was a little confused by his food requests, but he insists Santa likes chocolate milk.
One other funny Christmas memory with TJ. He received a small red stocking as a gift from his teacher. He hung it up with his regular stocking on our fireplace. Then he told me that I had to buy him extra stuff since he has TWO stockings instead of one. I told him that wasn't how it worked.
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Nolan and stress
So we've discovered recently that Nolan doesn't like it when he is in trouble, when his brothers are fighting, or when there is any sort of chaos or upheaval involving him or within his earshot. He immediately takes on a very pathetic look and says, "I don't feel good." As soon as the stressful moment has passed, Nolan feels just fine again. It's very cute. The problem is that when he's actually sick, we won't know.
This past weekend, we were in Illinois, visiting my mom's extended family. We got home very late...around midnight. Nolan slept awhile on the way home, but was still quite tired when I got him up for church Sunday morning. I walked in his room and gently woke him up. He stood up and said in his most grown-up tone, "Mom, I didn't sleep very well last night." Then his face lit up and he said, "But I got a big garbage truck!" He did. He got a very large toy garbage truck from my aunt and uncle for Christmas. It's the perfect gift for Nolan.
Tonight is my "baby's" last night in his crib. I'm feeling quite nostalgic. That crib has been in constant use for 7 years, 1 month, and 3 days. But the time has come. Amanda and John need the crib, as their second baby is coming in just two months. And Nolan is getting a big boy bed for Christmas. It's just a little harder leaving this stage behind than I expected it to be.
Nolan, just a few moments ago:
This past weekend, we were in Illinois, visiting my mom's extended family. We got home very late...around midnight. Nolan slept awhile on the way home, but was still quite tired when I got him up for church Sunday morning. I walked in his room and gently woke him up. He stood up and said in his most grown-up tone, "Mom, I didn't sleep very well last night." Then his face lit up and he said, "But I got a big garbage truck!" He did. He got a very large toy garbage truck from my aunt and uncle for Christmas. It's the perfect gift for Nolan.
Tonight is my "baby's" last night in his crib. I'm feeling quite nostalgic. That crib has been in constant use for 7 years, 1 month, and 3 days. But the time has come. Amanda and John need the crib, as their second baby is coming in just two months. And Nolan is getting a big boy bed for Christmas. It's just a little harder leaving this stage behind than I expected it to be.
Nolan, just a few moments ago:
Friday, December 17, 2010
My wise first grader informed me of the following on the way home today:
"The word 'together' is the king of all high-frequency words."
So, now you know.
"The word 'together' is the king of all high-frequency words."
So, now you know.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
TJ's guesses
Tuesday night, we told the boys we were taking them somewhere fun for a surprise. TJ immediately started guessing where we might be going.
His first guess? Chuck E. Cheese
His second guess? Church (I found that interesting, and it made me very happy)
His third guess? He asked if there were two super villains and a cast of minions.
I didn't have the foggiest idea what he was talking about. I decided to let it pass. We actually took them to Fredrik Meijer Gardens to look at the displays of Christmas trees. I was disappointed in their reaction. TJ declared that I had lied because the Gardens are 'not fun'. Sam liked it, but had trouble remembering to stay with us. For some reason, I had decided that Nolan didn't need a stroller. WRONG! He couldn't keep his hands off the trees, and then would only allow me to carry him. That kid weighs a ton!
The boys perked up when we discovered an elaborate train display that went through four rooms. We spent a lot of time watching the trains.
The next morning, TJ walked up to me and said, "By the way, I was talking about the movie 'Despicable Me.' I thought you were buying it for me."
He's getting it for Christmas, I think (I'm pretty sure I suggested that to someone). I am very curious to watch it and see why my seven-year-old knows the phrase 'cast of minions'!
His first guess? Chuck E. Cheese
His second guess? Church (I found that interesting, and it made me very happy)
His third guess? He asked if there were two super villains and a cast of minions.
I didn't have the foggiest idea what he was talking about. I decided to let it pass. We actually took them to Fredrik Meijer Gardens to look at the displays of Christmas trees. I was disappointed in their reaction. TJ declared that I had lied because the Gardens are 'not fun'. Sam liked it, but had trouble remembering to stay with us. For some reason, I had decided that Nolan didn't need a stroller. WRONG! He couldn't keep his hands off the trees, and then would only allow me to carry him. That kid weighs a ton!
The boys perked up when we discovered an elaborate train display that went through four rooms. We spent a lot of time watching the trains.
The next morning, TJ walked up to me and said, "By the way, I was talking about the movie 'Despicable Me.' I thought you were buying it for me."
He's getting it for Christmas, I think (I'm pretty sure I suggested that to someone). I am very curious to watch it and see why my seven-year-old knows the phrase 'cast of minions'!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Taxes and Jello
Friday night, I was sitting on my bed talking to Bill and TJ walked in the room. He said, "Mom, I have a question about your taxes." I looked at Bill in complete surprise. TJ is a bright kid, but what does he know about taxes? I looked at him questioningly and said, "Taxes???" TJ said, "Yes, those things you put in your eyes so you can see."
Oh! Contacts! I can't even remember what his question was. Bill and I were too busy laughing.
Monday night, TJ and I went to get our hair cut. I always go first, per TJ's instructions. I sit in the chair and Stephanie says, "So what are we doing today?" We discuss what I want, and then she cuts my hair.
Just to humor TJ, as soon as he climbed in the chair, Steph asked him, "So what are we doing today?" TJ looked at her very seriously and said, "Do NOT put any Jello in my hair."
We realized immediately that TJ was referring to that mysterious hair gel that he is so terrified of. But we had to tease him a bit. Eventually, we told him that Jello is something you eat, and gel is something that goes in your hair. When you are brave enough and ready to look preppy, that is!
Oh! Contacts! I can't even remember what his question was. Bill and I were too busy laughing.
Monday night, TJ and I went to get our hair cut. I always go first, per TJ's instructions. I sit in the chair and Stephanie says, "So what are we doing today?" We discuss what I want, and then she cuts my hair.
Just to humor TJ, as soon as he climbed in the chair, Steph asked him, "So what are we doing today?" TJ looked at her very seriously and said, "Do NOT put any Jello in my hair."
We realized immediately that TJ was referring to that mysterious hair gel that he is so terrified of. But we had to tease him a bit. Eventually, we told him that Jello is something you eat, and gel is something that goes in your hair. When you are brave enough and ready to look preppy, that is!
Craft shows
Every fall, I go to a couple craft shows with my mom and my sisters. This past Saturday was the craft show at West Catholic High School. This is my favorite craft show. It's been on the calendar for a couple months, and Bill knows that he is in charge of the boys while I shop 'til I drop.
Saturday was the day after Sam's flu bug. He ate a little breakfast and seemed almost his old self, but was still a little quiet. He was sitting in the bathroom watching me fix my hair in the morning. I told him that Daddy was going to Home Depot while I was at the craft show. I expected him to get excited about Home Depot, because he really likes that store. Instead, he said "You are going to a craft show? I AM going with you." And that was that. He quickly got ready, and had Bill help him get his coat and boots on. I did pack a stroller because I didn't think he had the energy to be on his feet the whole time.
Sam did enjoy the craft show. He sat quietly in his stroller...unless we saw a booth with candles for sale. Then, this is what you saw. My four-year-old carefully smelling and studying every candle on the table:

Sam got two new candles. He insisted on holding them, and whenever we stopped to talk to a vendor, he would make them smell his candles. No one can resist Sam's smile and his genuine excitement over two small candles. Lots of people smelled Sam's candles that day!
Saturday was the day after Sam's flu bug. He ate a little breakfast and seemed almost his old self, but was still a little quiet. He was sitting in the bathroom watching me fix my hair in the morning. I told him that Daddy was going to Home Depot while I was at the craft show. I expected him to get excited about Home Depot, because he really likes that store. Instead, he said "You are going to a craft show? I AM going with you." And that was that. He quickly got ready, and had Bill help him get his coat and boots on. I did pack a stroller because I didn't think he had the energy to be on his feet the whole time.
Sam did enjoy the craft show. He sat quietly in his stroller...unless we saw a booth with candles for sale. Then, this is what you saw. My four-year-old carefully smelling and studying every candle on the table:
Sam got two new candles. He insisted on holding them, and whenever we stopped to talk to a vendor, he would make them smell his candles. No one can resist Sam's smile and his genuine excitement over two small candles. Lots of people smelled Sam's candles that day!
Friday, December 3, 2010
What NOT to do when you puke
At 4:15 a.m. this morning a small voice woke me up. "Mom? I have a fever." I reached out and touched Sam's cheek, but he wasn't hot. I asked him if he had to go potty, and he said, yeah, he thought he might. I picked up my glasses and followed him into the hallway, where he suddenly began to vomit.
I have two bits of information for you:
1. It is amazing how you can switch from being half-awake to scooping up a vomiting child and running into the bathroom.
2. If you are vomiting, it makes the situation WORSE if you frantically rub your face. That is NOT something you want up your nose. Trust me. You will sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and it burns. Ask Sam. He sneezed for a couple of hours. Poor guy.
I think this was only Sam's second bout with the stomach flu. He doesn't cope with it well. He tries to convince himself (and me) that he's fine and he gets very stressed and almost angry when he vomits (hence the frantic face rubbing).
Here's hoping he doesn't get sick again for a long time. Or, if he does, that Bill is in town at the time!
I have two bits of information for you:
1. It is amazing how you can switch from being half-awake to scooping up a vomiting child and running into the bathroom.
2. If you are vomiting, it makes the situation WORSE if you frantically rub your face. That is NOT something you want up your nose. Trust me. You will sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and it burns. Ask Sam. He sneezed for a couple of hours. Poor guy.
I think this was only Sam's second bout with the stomach flu. He doesn't cope with it well. He tries to convince himself (and me) that he's fine and he gets very stressed and almost angry when he vomits (hence the frantic face rubbing).
Here's hoping he doesn't get sick again for a long time. Or, if he does, that Bill is in town at the time!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Man? Or boy???
My boys love carbs. Bread, muffins, and rolls are usually their favorite part of dinner. So, what I do is just give them 1/2 a roll, or 1/2 a muffin to start with dinner. After they've shown me they've tried the main course and the fruit or veggie, they can have the other half. Last night, TJ sat down at the table, saw 1/2 a roll on his plate and gave me the following lecture:
Mom, I really don't like it when you only give me half a roll. It makes me feel like a little kid. And I am not a little kid anymore. I am a seven-year-old MAN!
The lecture may have continued, but I didn't hear it. I was laughing too hard.
By the way, that 'seven-year-old man' had to do a time-out during dinner for misbehaving. Guess he isn't as grown up as he thinks he is.
Today, TJ went to the doctor for his annual well-child exam. He thought it was dumb that he had to go to the doctor when he wasn't even sick. But he was very cooperative, and after he learned I was telling the truth that there were NO shots today, he was quite friendly and chatty with Dr. Conner.
His stats:
Weight: 52.6 pounds (55th percentile)
Height: 46.5 inches (25th percentile)
I sure hope he has a growth spurt at some point. He's one of the oldest kids in his class, but one of the shortest.
Mom, I really don't like it when you only give me half a roll. It makes me feel like a little kid. And I am not a little kid anymore. I am a seven-year-old MAN!
The lecture may have continued, but I didn't hear it. I was laughing too hard.
By the way, that 'seven-year-old man' had to do a time-out during dinner for misbehaving. Guess he isn't as grown up as he thinks he is.
Today, TJ went to the doctor for his annual well-child exam. He thought it was dumb that he had to go to the doctor when he wasn't even sick. But he was very cooperative, and after he learned I was telling the truth that there were NO shots today, he was quite friendly and chatty with Dr. Conner.
His stats:
Weight: 52.6 pounds (55th percentile)
Height: 46.5 inches (25th percentile)
I sure hope he has a growth spurt at some point. He's one of the oldest kids in his class, but one of the shortest.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
This weekend's tidbits
Tonight, while getting Nolan ready for bed, I yawned pretty loudly. Nolan looked up at me and said, "Good grief, Mommy. You should go to bed!"
I have started Christmas shopping. I have discovered Sam is terribly difficult to shop for. He doesn't want much of anything. I had him go through two toy catalogs, and he found only one toy he wanted. One thing he does want is his own Christmas tree. Of course, he will be getting one. He loves the lights and I am sure would be in heaven with a small tree of his own. I'll just have to get used to having a small Christmas tree being lugged around my house year-round.
I have started Christmas shopping. I have discovered Sam is terribly difficult to shop for. He doesn't want much of anything. I had him go through two toy catalogs, and he found only one toy he wanted. One thing he does want is his own Christmas tree. Of course, he will be getting one. He loves the lights and I am sure would be in heaven with a small tree of his own. I'll just have to get used to having a small Christmas tree being lugged around my house year-round.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I always check on the boys before I go to bed. I have to laugh at how different they are.
TJ: TJ always has his sheets and blankets pushed down to the foot of his bunk. He refuses to cover up with them. He says they are 'scary'. I have given up trying to explain why his bedding isn't scary. He will only cover himself up with a fleece duck blanket that was given to me at one of my baby showers. Thankfully, it's a pretty big blanket.
Sam: Sam is always asleep on his back. He often has a small Beanie Baby kitty perched on his shoulder while he sleeps. He loves his kitties. His blankets are neatly tucked in around him, up to his shoulders. I guess his bedding isn't scary.
Nolan: Oh, Nolan. The other night I peeked in his crib and couldn't find him. He was curled up, sound asleep UNDER his pillow. I'm not sure how much oxygen he was getting under there. And it doesn't matter how many blankets I put in there, he winds up on top of them and is always shivering. He's getting a big boy bedroom for Christmas. I have to figure out how to tuck him in tightly enough so he stays warm.
TJ: TJ always has his sheets and blankets pushed down to the foot of his bunk. He refuses to cover up with them. He says they are 'scary'. I have given up trying to explain why his bedding isn't scary. He will only cover himself up with a fleece duck blanket that was given to me at one of my baby showers. Thankfully, it's a pretty big blanket.
Sam: Sam is always asleep on his back. He often has a small Beanie Baby kitty perched on his shoulder while he sleeps. He loves his kitties. His blankets are neatly tucked in around him, up to his shoulders. I guess his bedding isn't scary.
Nolan: Oh, Nolan. The other night I peeked in his crib and couldn't find him. He was curled up, sound asleep UNDER his pillow. I'm not sure how much oxygen he was getting under there. And it doesn't matter how many blankets I put in there, he winds up on top of them and is always shivering. He's getting a big boy bedroom for Christmas. I have to figure out how to tuck him in tightly enough so he stays warm.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
More bath time drama
Some of you may remember this post from October 2008: Yesterday's bath time wasn't quite as bad, but it sure had its fair share of drama.
I bathe Sam and Nolan together. Sam got over his fear of baths about a year ago (his fear began after the episode I referenced above), and thoroughly enjoys playing in the tub with Nolan. I have to watch to make sure they keep the water IN the tub, but they have fun. We either have bubbles or Crayola color tablets. Sam likes the bubbles, Nolan likes the colors. So we alternate to keep the peace. (TJ has declared himself too old for baths and takes nice hot showers instead)
Yesterday was a bubble day. Sam went potty about five minutes before I started prepping for baths. Nolan saw me getting the tub toys out and informed me that he needed to go potty first. That's a little weird, since he never uses the toilet for me. But I humored him. I stripped him down, put him on the toilet and finished getting the water in the tub. Sam undressed and climbed in. Nolan watched him for a minute, then decided he didn't have to go potty after all. So, I moved him to the tub. Five minutes later, Nolan wanted to sit on the potty again. Weird. But I got him out, dried him off, and had him try again. Nothing. I put him back in the tub. Five minutes later, he wanted out again. Argh! This was very unusual behavior for him.
I finally decided to just quickly wash him up and dress him. I didn't think he was brave enough to use the potty for me, but he also did not want to go potty in the tub. Just as I was rinsing his hair, Sam starts shrieking that HE was to go potty. What?? Sam has a big bladder and can go hours and hours between trips to the bathroom. He had gone right before I got him in the tub. And I didn't have his hair washed yet. But once an idea is in Sam's head, he can't let go. I looked anxiously at Nolan, but he seemed calm at the moment. So I dried Sam off a bit, put him on the toilet, then turned just in time to see Nolan pee and pee and pee all over the bathtub.
I scooped him out, passed him off to Bill, drained the tub, got Sam back in there, washed his hair, and called it a day.
In an effort to look at the bright side, Nolan WAS right. He really did have to go. And there's always that slim possibility that if I had had the opportunity to get him on the potty one last time, he might have gone for me. So I will cling to that bit of optimism....
I bathe Sam and Nolan together. Sam got over his fear of baths about a year ago (his fear began after the episode I referenced above), and thoroughly enjoys playing in the tub with Nolan. I have to watch to make sure they keep the water IN the tub, but they have fun. We either have bubbles or Crayola color tablets. Sam likes the bubbles, Nolan likes the colors. So we alternate to keep the peace. (TJ has declared himself too old for baths and takes nice hot showers instead)
Yesterday was a bubble day. Sam went potty about five minutes before I started prepping for baths. Nolan saw me getting the tub toys out and informed me that he needed to go potty first. That's a little weird, since he never uses the toilet for me. But I humored him. I stripped him down, put him on the toilet and finished getting the water in the tub. Sam undressed and climbed in. Nolan watched him for a minute, then decided he didn't have to go potty after all. So, I moved him to the tub. Five minutes later, Nolan wanted to sit on the potty again. Weird. But I got him out, dried him off, and had him try again. Nothing. I put him back in the tub. Five minutes later, he wanted out again. Argh! This was very unusual behavior for him.
I finally decided to just quickly wash him up and dress him. I didn't think he was brave enough to use the potty for me, but he also did not want to go potty in the tub. Just as I was rinsing his hair, Sam starts shrieking that HE was to go potty. What?? Sam has a big bladder and can go hours and hours between trips to the bathroom. He had gone right before I got him in the tub. And I didn't have his hair washed yet. But once an idea is in Sam's head, he can't let go. I looked anxiously at Nolan, but he seemed calm at the moment. So I dried Sam off a bit, put him on the toilet, then turned just in time to see Nolan pee and pee and pee all over the bathtub.
I scooped him out, passed him off to Bill, drained the tub, got Sam back in there, washed his hair, and called it a day.
In an effort to look at the bright side, Nolan WAS right. He really did have to go. And there's always that slim possibility that if I had had the opportunity to get him on the potty one last time, he might have gone for me. So I will cling to that bit of optimism....
Saturday, November 13, 2010
TJ turns 7 next week. I would imagine it is marked on all of your calendars, as it is a national holiday (at least, TJ seems to think it is). I did not intend to have a party for TJ with his friends yet this year. I was considering letting TJ do something like that next year.
But TJ had other ideas. He was in the midst of inviting friends over for a sleepover when I finally convinced him that he doesn't get to plan parties without his parent's permission. We reached a compromise. He invited 3 friends to come home with him after school on Friday. We are going to go see "Megamind" the movie, eat pizza and cake, and then the boys are leaving before bedtime.
TJ was satisfied with this compromise and is very excited. So far, though, only one child is coming. I haven't heard from the parents of the other two. For TJ's sake, I hope they can come.
But TJ had other ideas. He was in the midst of inviting friends over for a sleepover when I finally convinced him that he doesn't get to plan parties without his parent's permission. We reached a compromise. He invited 3 friends to come home with him after school on Friday. We are going to go see "Megamind" the movie, eat pizza and cake, and then the boys are leaving before bedtime.
TJ was satisfied with this compromise and is very excited. So far, though, only one child is coming. I haven't heard from the parents of the other two. For TJ's sake, I hope they can come.
My parents got some new furniture last weekend. A tall bookcase, one end table (the one hasn't arrived yet), and a short bookcase. It's very nice furniture and completely changes how the living room looks. Sam walked in the living room Monday morning and said in amazement, "Grandma! You got two new candles!" He did not notice ANY of the new furniture. My mom had to play a game of Hot and Cold with him before he noticed the end table.
That same day, Sam observed my sister's dog Mia as she played with my mom's dog Toby. Sam commented, "Mia is a mutt meadle." My mom wasn't sure if she had heard him correctly. Awhile later, Sam said it again. "Mia is a mutt meadle." My mom asked him what a 'mutt meadle' was. Sam calmly said, "I don't know. I will learn it in kindergarten."
That same day, Sam observed my sister's dog Mia as she played with my mom's dog Toby. Sam commented, "Mia is a mutt meadle." My mom wasn't sure if she had heard him correctly. Awhile later, Sam said it again. "Mia is a mutt meadle." My mom asked him what a 'mutt meadle' was. Sam calmly said, "I don't know. I will learn it in kindergarten."
Nolan has been full of it lately. The things he says just crack me up.
This morning I was undressing him to put him in the bathtub. I rubbed his chubby tummy and asked him what was in there. "My hot cookie" was his reply (that's what my boys still call Pop Tarts). I said, "Oh? Your cereal isn't in your tummy?" "Nope. That's in my belly button."
After his bath, Bill lifted a cold, protesting Nolan out of the tub, laid him in the hallway and started dressing him. Nolan continued fussing and loudly informed us, "I don't WANT to take a bath!". Sweetie, bath time is over. Your complaints are a little late.
Nolan gets apple juice with his breakfast every morning. Right now, we have Mott's Natural Apple Juice. I think it's really tasty, but the boys don't seem to like it very much. It's also a bit darker than regular apple juice. It looks more like cider. I poured some in Nolan's cup the other morning. He picked up the cup and said in pure disgust, "Hey! You gave me coffee!!"
This morning I was undressing him to put him in the bathtub. I rubbed his chubby tummy and asked him what was in there. "My hot cookie" was his reply (that's what my boys still call Pop Tarts). I said, "Oh? Your cereal isn't in your tummy?" "Nope. That's in my belly button."
After his bath, Bill lifted a cold, protesting Nolan out of the tub, laid him in the hallway and started dressing him. Nolan continued fussing and loudly informed us, "I don't WANT to take a bath!". Sweetie, bath time is over. Your complaints are a little late.
Nolan gets apple juice with his breakfast every morning. Right now, we have Mott's Natural Apple Juice. I think it's really tasty, but the boys don't seem to like it very much. It's also a bit darker than regular apple juice. It looks more like cider. I poured some in Nolan's cup the other morning. He picked up the cup and said in pure disgust, "Hey! You gave me coffee!!"
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Playing with his food
Sam has absolutely blossomed since he started preschool. He is writing his name, and is very interested in learning how to spell. He's also gotten hooked on Spaghettios and Cheeze-its. This works out nicely, as I can get him the Alphabet Spaghettios and my mom discovered there are now Scrabble Cheeze-its (they have one letter stamped on each cracker). So now while he eats, Sam spells words. It takes him FOREVER to eat those crackers, as he continues to re-arrange them and try to spell different words.
My mom also taught Sam how to type, so he is spelling words like "kitty", "puppy", "Mom", "Daddy", etc.
Part of me feels so proud and happy when I watch Sam spell. Part of me worries that he is going to have to endure the terrible teasing I did throughout junior high and part of high school. Being smart can be such a black mark for a child. I am praying Sam's cheerfulness and friendliness will help keep the bullies at bay.
My mom also taught Sam how to type, so he is spelling words like "kitty", "puppy", "Mom", "Daddy", etc.
Part of me feels so proud and happy when I watch Sam spell. Part of me worries that he is going to have to endure the terrible teasing I did throughout junior high and part of high school. Being smart can be such a black mark for a child. I am praying Sam's cheerfulness and friendliness will help keep the bullies at bay.
Can I see your candles?
When Bill was a child, his parents tell me that when they'd be over at a friend's house, Bill would go around and investigate all of the light switches in the house. He had to know how they all worked. Now that he's all grown up (or pretends to be), he has installed light switches in our basement that seem to have no purpose. At least, I can't figure out what they are for. But, I'm off the subject.
Sam has an obsession too. Candles. He absolutely loves them. It's common for me to walk into my mom's house after work, and discover she has lit half a dozen candles for Sam. They are all different scents, so it smells rather confusing in her house. We have a few in the kitchen that Sam will ask me to light, and he has several votives he lugs around the house with him. Weird.
Now when we visit people, Sam will ask me where I think they keep their candles. He hit the jackpot at Grandma Cindy's house yesterday. He discovered she keeps a rather impressive candle stash in the cupboard of the bathroom by the kitchen. He stood in there and sniffed candles for quite some time last night. Then he brought out his favorite (a large, brand-new candle) and asked her to light it. She told him she was saving that, but she lit a nice pumpkin-scented one for him.
In case this makes any of you nervous, Sam is a very bright boy. He understands candles are dangerous, and never messes with them once they are lit. I taught him how to strike a match (with my assistance) and he never goes anywhere near the matches without an adult's permission and assistance. He's a unique child. The more knowledge he has, the happier he is, and the less questions I get. So, I teach him things that most children don't need to know about until they are older.
Sam has an obsession too. Candles. He absolutely loves them. It's common for me to walk into my mom's house after work, and discover she has lit half a dozen candles for Sam. They are all different scents, so it smells rather confusing in her house. We have a few in the kitchen that Sam will ask me to light, and he has several votives he lugs around the house with him. Weird.
Now when we visit people, Sam will ask me where I think they keep their candles. He hit the jackpot at Grandma Cindy's house yesterday. He discovered she keeps a rather impressive candle stash in the cupboard of the bathroom by the kitchen. He stood in there and sniffed candles for quite some time last night. Then he brought out his favorite (a large, brand-new candle) and asked her to light it. She told him she was saving that, but she lit a nice pumpkin-scented one for him.
In case this makes any of you nervous, Sam is a very bright boy. He understands candles are dangerous, and never messes with them once they are lit. I taught him how to strike a match (with my assistance) and he never goes anywhere near the matches without an adult's permission and assistance. He's a unique child. The more knowledge he has, the happier he is, and the less questions I get. So, I teach him things that most children don't need to know about until they are older.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Halloween 2010
I helped out at TJ's Halloween party at school last week Friday. I believe it is the only party I am able to help out at this school year. I just have to put this in writing. When I walked into his classroom, TJ's face lit up and he ran across the room to give me a hug. Six or seven years from now, I suspect he will probably ignore me...
I got the best compliment shortly after I arrived in his class. One of TJ's friends said, "TJ, is that your mom or your sister?" I could have hugged him!
TJ thoroughly enjoyed Halloween this year. He loved trick-or-treating. It was so helpful that we were out on Saturday night. He had a good night's sleep and was ready to go. Last year, we were out on a Friday night and he could hardly keep his eyes open.
Sam loved trick-or-treating too. He really didn't care much about the candy. He told me he had enough after about 4 houses. What Sam enjoyed was checking out the candles inside pumpkins. I had to drag him off of more than one porch because he was spending way too much time studying candles.
Nolan enjoyed collecting the candy and charmed everyone. But he got tired quickly and had to be carried most of the way. I had brought a stroller along, but Sam plunked himself in that. I had informed Bill that he had to come and help me this year, and I was so thankful he was there.
Here are my boys with Amanda's little girl, Charlotte:
I got the best compliment shortly after I arrived in his class. One of TJ's friends said, "TJ, is that your mom or your sister?" I could have hugged him!
TJ thoroughly enjoyed Halloween this year. He loved trick-or-treating. It was so helpful that we were out on Saturday night. He had a good night's sleep and was ready to go. Last year, we were out on a Friday night and he could hardly keep his eyes open.
Sam loved trick-or-treating too. He really didn't care much about the candy. He told me he had enough after about 4 houses. What Sam enjoyed was checking out the candles inside pumpkins. I had to drag him off of more than one porch because he was spending way too much time studying candles.
Nolan enjoyed collecting the candy and charmed everyone. But he got tired quickly and had to be carried most of the way. I had brought a stroller along, but Sam plunked himself in that. I had informed Bill that he had to come and help me this year, and I was so thankful he was there.
Here are my boys with Amanda's little girl, Charlotte:
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
For the past couple years, TJ has had six pairs of Thomas the Tank Engine underwear. He's gotten taller, but has stayed so thin there was no need to purchase the next size up (he's currently still in a size 5!). Earlier this year, my mom was at the Carter's outlet store, and I asked her to pick up a 3-pack of the next size (size 6/7). They looked huge, so I set them aside and forgot about them.
Yesterday morning, TJ was mysteriously out of clean underwear. I'm not sure how he ran out, but I was just starting the laundry and the boy needed a clean pair so he could get dressed for school. I dug through his top drawer, found the Carter's package, opened it up and handed him a pair. TJ looked skeptical. He commented on how big they were, and how he wasn't sure he wanted to wear a pair of underwear with dogs on them. But he put them on, and I forgot about the incident.
This morning when TJ was getting dressed, I heard loud complaining coming from his room. I went in there and he informed me that he did NOT want to wear the Thomas pair I had laid out. He wanted to wear another new pair. Why? Because "they are so soft and cushy". I laughed and handed him a new pair. I don't do laundry enough for him to wear the new undies every day, but he agreed that he wouldn't complain if he had to wear Thomas underwear if the new pairs were in the wash.
What an odd child....
Yesterday morning, TJ was mysteriously out of clean underwear. I'm not sure how he ran out, but I was just starting the laundry and the boy needed a clean pair so he could get dressed for school. I dug through his top drawer, found the Carter's package, opened it up and handed him a pair. TJ looked skeptical. He commented on how big they were, and how he wasn't sure he wanted to wear a pair of underwear with dogs on them. But he put them on, and I forgot about the incident.
This morning when TJ was getting dressed, I heard loud complaining coming from his room. I went in there and he informed me that he did NOT want to wear the Thomas pair I had laid out. He wanted to wear another new pair. Why? Because "they are so soft and cushy". I laughed and handed him a new pair. I don't do laundry enough for him to wear the new undies every day, but he agreed that he wouldn't complain if he had to wear Thomas underwear if the new pairs were in the wash.
What an odd child....
Little gardeners
Last week, Sam made a pumpkin out of construction paper. On the front, his teacher had written "What's inside?". You lifted the top flap of the pumpkin to reveal some pumpkin seeds Sam had glued inside. Sam was VERY proud of his pumpkin. In fact, it's still sitting on the front hall table. It's one of those items that I'm not allowed to throw away.
The artwork isn't in its original condition, though. It has two fewer seeds glued inside. That is because TJ and Sam peeled those seeds off and planted them out in the garden on Saturday. I knew what they were up to, and let them have their fun. On Sunday after church, they hurried outside to see if any vines were growing yet. I don't have the heart to tell them that it's way too late in the season to grow anything.
Bill didn't want to have much of a garden next year. But I think two little people will be convincing him that the garden needs to include a pumpkin patch.
The artwork isn't in its original condition, though. It has two fewer seeds glued inside. That is because TJ and Sam peeled those seeds off and planted them out in the garden on Saturday. I knew what they were up to, and let them have their fun. On Sunday after church, they hurried outside to see if any vines were growing yet. I don't have the heart to tell them that it's way too late in the season to grow anything.
Bill didn't want to have much of a garden next year. But I think two little people will be convincing him that the garden needs to include a pumpkin patch.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
TJ's observation (rated PG-13)
Thursday night, TJ walked up to me and very seriously informed me of the following:
"You know, Mom, the penis is just like a straw. is attached to your body."
I swallowed a shocked laugh, said "Oh, really?" and then changed the subject. Because how else do you respond to that??
"You know, Mom, the penis is just like a straw. is attached to your body."
I swallowed a shocked laugh, said "Oh, really?" and then changed the subject. Because how else do you respond to that??
Monday, October 18, 2010
Monday in a nutshell
My Monday started at 4:40 a.m. when TJ woke me up by saying, "Mom, I think I peed in my pants a little." A little? Nope. It was a lot. On the plus side, I got a load of laundry started before 5 a.m.....
At dinner tonight, TJ asked what the function of your uvula is. Neither Bill or I knew. I had to google it (it helps with speech articulation, in case you were wondering). TJ then proceeded to make lots of strange noises to give his uvula some exercise.
When he wasn't staring in fascination at Bill's old reel-to-reel player (which he just put in the living room for everyone to see, oh yay!), Sam was wandering around asking about the chance of rain for the rest of the week and sorting all of my candles by color and scent.
Nolan kept coming up to me and saying, "Mom! Nose running again!" Ugh . When will he ever NOT have a cold.
I told the boys I was moving to Tahiti. I then realized I wasn't entirely sure where Tahiti is. I need more sleep.
At dinner tonight, TJ asked what the function of your uvula is. Neither Bill or I knew. I had to google it (it helps with speech articulation, in case you were wondering). TJ then proceeded to make lots of strange noises to give his uvula some exercise.
When he wasn't staring in fascination at Bill's old reel-to-reel player (which he just put in the living room for everyone to see, oh yay!), Sam was wandering around asking about the chance of rain for the rest of the week and sorting all of my candles by color and scent.
Nolan kept coming up to me and saying, "Mom! Nose running again!" Ugh . When will he ever NOT have a cold.
I told the boys I was moving to Tahiti. I then realized I wasn't entirely sure where Tahiti is. I need more sleep.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Nolan's knock-knock joke
The boys are really into telling knock-knock jokes. They laugh themselves silly when they are telling these jokes. Bill and I usually don't 'get' the joke. Nolan is even getting in on the routine. Yesterday when I was changing his diaper, he told me this joke:
Nolan: Knock-knock
Me: Who's there?
Nolan: Sam
Me: Sam who?
Nolan: Sam poopie head
Hysterical laughter.
Uh. Nope. Don't get it.
Nolan: Knock-knock
Me: Who's there?
Nolan: Sam
Me: Sam who?
Nolan: Sam poopie head
Hysterical laughter.
Uh. Nope. Don't get it.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
My little students
Very early yesterday morning (around 1:30 a.m.), all five of us were up. It started out with a very loud thud. Sam fell out of bed. I think he's only done that once before. I hurried in there to comfort him and tuck him back in bed. He was crying pretty hard and it woke TJ up. He decided he needed to go to the bathroom. Nolan, the world's lightest sleeper, heard the commotion and started crying too. Just as I was starting to feel frustrated (Sam still needed me, and Nolan was getting himself worked up), Bill got up and went to check on Nolan, who just wanted a drink of water. Finally, everyone was settled down and back in bed.
The next morning, Sam got up and I noticed he had some red marks above and below his left eye. I am pretty sure he hit his head on the dresser when he fell out of bed. I kissed him and told him to try and stay in bed from now on.
Last night, I asked him if he told Mrs. Stegenga what happened to his eye. He said, "Yep. I told her I damaged it when I fell out of bed." I don't know if he used those exact words when he was explaining the incident to his preschool teacher, but if he did, I'm sure she had a good chuckle.
Then there's TJ. Every week, he comes home with a small packet of homework. There's a short story he has to read through, and then answer a few questions. There is also a short math assignment, and spelling words to practice each week. This week, there was no math sheet. He is in between units, so the teacher gave the class the week off. TJ was disappointed he had less homework! He finished his reader and the questions, went through his spelling words, and then asked for more work! He finally settled for reading through his library book, with some assistance from Daddy. What an odd child. I was always a good student, but I don't think I ever once complained that I didn't have enough homework!
The next morning, Sam got up and I noticed he had some red marks above and below his left eye. I am pretty sure he hit his head on the dresser when he fell out of bed. I kissed him and told him to try and stay in bed from now on.
Last night, I asked him if he told Mrs. Stegenga what happened to his eye. He said, "Yep. I told her I damaged it when I fell out of bed." I don't know if he used those exact words when he was explaining the incident to his preschool teacher, but if he did, I'm sure she had a good chuckle.
Then there's TJ. Every week, he comes home with a small packet of homework. There's a short story he has to read through, and then answer a few questions. There is also a short math assignment, and spelling words to practice each week. This week, there was no math sheet. He is in between units, so the teacher gave the class the week off. TJ was disappointed he had less homework! He finished his reader and the questions, went through his spelling words, and then asked for more work! He finally settled for reading through his library book, with some assistance from Daddy. What an odd child. I was always a good student, but I don't think I ever once complained that I didn't have enough homework!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Not much of a motivator
There is a campaign being waged in this house. Everyone (Bill and Sam in particular) want a cat. Everyone but me, that is. It's not that I don't like cats. I still miss Aria, and sometimes I even miss Cadence. But I don't miss the work, the cat hair on everything, the smell coming from the litter box, the scratches on my wood floor, the cat standing on me in the middle of the night... So I've been holding out. I keep saying I'm not ready. Because I'm not!
The other day Nolan decided to try and go potty (he goes poopie on the potty once a week or so for my mom, but he never does anything for me). While he was sitting on the potty (not producing) I said, "Nolan, if you stop wearing diapers and start wearing big boy underwear, and go potty on the potty, we can get a cat."
I expected him to get excited. Instead he thought it over, and said, "No. I don't want a cat." Guess that means he won't be potty training any time soon.
The other day Nolan decided to try and go potty (he goes poopie on the potty once a week or so for my mom, but he never does anything for me). While he was sitting on the potty (not producing) I said, "Nolan, if you stop wearing diapers and start wearing big boy underwear, and go potty on the potty, we can get a cat."
I expected him to get excited. Instead he thought it over, and said, "No. I don't want a cat." Guess that means he won't be potty training any time soon.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I usually have candy in the house. Partly because I'm a sucker for candy, and partly because the boys can earn a piece if they do a good job eating lunch or dinner. I try to buy small things, like Tootsie Rolls and small suckers. TJ got fed up with the lack of variety the other day and asked if I would buy something new. So, I picked up a bag of Halloween candy that had a variety of items in it (small boxes of Milk Duds, mini packs of Whoppers, small bags of Reese's Pieces, and some lollipops). The boys were really excited. Sam had a hard time deciding what to try after dinner the first night. I suggested Milk Duds, because they are one of my favorite candies (how can you possibly go wrong with chocolate AND caramel??) Sam took a box of Milk Duds, opened it up, and was pretty excited to see four small Milk Duds inside. He popped one in his mouth and stayed seated at the table while I washed the dishes and cleaned up.
I was so busy, I really didn't notice Sam's progress, or lack thereof. After about 10 minutes, Sam quietly said, "Mom, you may have the rest of my candies." I took the box and saw 3 Milk Duds inside. I looked at Sam's face and started to laugh. He was exhausted from chewing on one Milk Dud. He has absolutely no interest in ever trying them again. I felt bad, since it was my suggestion, so I traded him 3 Milk Duds for three pieces of candy corn. He thought it was a good trade. I did too. His Duds were delicious!
I was so busy, I really didn't notice Sam's progress, or lack thereof. After about 10 minutes, Sam quietly said, "Mom, you may have the rest of my candies." I took the box and saw 3 Milk Duds inside. I looked at Sam's face and started to laugh. He was exhausted from chewing on one Milk Dud. He has absolutely no interest in ever trying them again. I felt bad, since it was my suggestion, so I traded him 3 Milk Duds for three pieces of candy corn. He thought it was a good trade. I did too. His Duds were delicious!
Friday, October 1, 2010
My Little Charmer
As of today, Nolan is 2 1/2 years old. My 'baby' is quickly disappearing. In his place, is a very verbal, very opinionated little boy.
He's picked up a few phrases lately that neither his mother or his father taught him. In fact, I can't even blame TJ and Sam for these, as I don't hear them talking like this. I suspect I can probably credit the neighbor kids, or perhaps Nickelodeon (there's lots of sarcasm on "iCarly").
Here are a few examples of Nolan's favorite phrases:
"That is yucky." (Spoken whenever he sees something he doesn't want to eat. A couple months ago, he'd eat whatever was on his plate, as long as it wasn't moving. Suddenly, he's getting picky).
"This is stupid." (I really don't like this one at all, and have been gently reminding him that 'stupid' is not a nice word).
"No. That's my butt." (I love to pat his round, soft little bottom when I'm changing his diaper. Suddenly, though, the term 'bottom' is not correct. Well, I'm sorry. It's too cute to be called a 'butt').
And my personal favorite:
"Get me out of here!" (He tends to use this one when his diaper or his clothes are being changed. He just doesn't have the patience for that).
He's picked up a few phrases lately that neither his mother or his father taught him. In fact, I can't even blame TJ and Sam for these, as I don't hear them talking like this. I suspect I can probably credit the neighbor kids, or perhaps Nickelodeon (there's lots of sarcasm on "iCarly").
Here are a few examples of Nolan's favorite phrases:
"That is yucky." (Spoken whenever he sees something he doesn't want to eat. A couple months ago, he'd eat whatever was on his plate, as long as it wasn't moving. Suddenly, he's getting picky).
"This is stupid." (I really don't like this one at all, and have been gently reminding him that 'stupid' is not a nice word).
"No. That's my butt." (I love to pat his round, soft little bottom when I'm changing his diaper. Suddenly, though, the term 'bottom' is not correct. Well, I'm sorry. It's too cute to be called a 'butt').
And my personal favorite:
"Get me out of here!" (He tends to use this one when his diaper or his clothes are being changed. He just doesn't have the patience for that).
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Cold season has started. For some reason, colds make my boys' lips dry out. I am addicted to lip balm year-round (I prefer Burt's Bees pomegranate lip balm) and I always have some with me. The boys only seem to need it during the fall and winter. I am not buying them anything fancy, since they tend to be rough on the stuff. Right now, they each have a tube they received at the Coopersville Christmas parade last year. It's a strange thing to get at a parade, but it saved me some money!
Sam, in particular, has been very fond of his chapstick. Only, he can't say it right. He calls it 'chipstack'. He (very loudly) asked for some 'chipstack' in church on Sunday. Brianna was sitting behind us and was highly amused by that.
Today, Sam discovered that he had not one, but TWO tubes of 'chipstack' in his dresser drawer. One was cherry flavored, one was unscented. He could hardly contain himself, he was so excited. He got out both and proceeded to carefully apply thick coats of both to his lips. I'm sure he will still be smooth and moisturized a week from now. At least he's not trying to eat the stuff.
Sam, in particular, has been very fond of his chapstick. Only, he can't say it right. He calls it 'chipstack'. He (very loudly) asked for some 'chipstack' in church on Sunday. Brianna was sitting behind us and was highly amused by that.
Today, Sam discovered that he had not one, but TWO tubes of 'chipstack' in his dresser drawer. One was cherry flavored, one was unscented. He could hardly contain himself, he was so excited. He got out both and proceeded to carefully apply thick coats of both to his lips. I'm sure he will still be smooth and moisturized a week from now. At least he's not trying to eat the stuff.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Daddy's little helpers
Bill is always complaining that he takes on too many projects. He informed me earlier this summer that once he was done in the basement, he was going to scale back on his projects. Well, then he decided he wanted to expand the lawn in the front yard AND put in another zone of sprinklers before fall started. This is a pretty physically intense job (I know because I tried pulling up some sod and made hardly any progress). Bill removes a section of weeds/sod, smooths it out, then digs the trench for the sprinkler hose, buries that, and attaches sprinkler heads along the way.
Sam could not have been more thrilled about Bill's decision to put in more sprinklers. Sam has spent hours outside with Bill this week. Most of the time, he is just standing there watching Bill work. And talking endlessly. Sam loves to talk. He gets that from his dad. (Stop laughing. Bill really does talk more than I do!!)
Here are Nolan and Sam watching Bill work. Each of them are holding a sprinkler, waiting for the moment Daddy needs it:

Sam could not have been more thrilled about Bill's decision to put in more sprinklers. Sam has spent hours outside with Bill this week. Most of the time, he is just standing there watching Bill work. And talking endlessly. Sam loves to talk. He gets that from his dad. (Stop laughing. Bill really does talk more than I do!!)
Here are Nolan and Sam watching Bill work. Each of them are holding a sprinkler, waiting for the moment Daddy needs it:
The circus
Last week Saturday, Bill and I took all three boys to the Ringling Brothers Circus. The circus comes every fall (on the circus train!), but we had never gone to see it. I priced out tickets and was discouraged to see that it was going to run us about $100 to see the circus. So, I decided to put it off for another year.
The next day, I saw that WOOD TV was giving away tickets via their EightWest TV program. I signed up on Facebook to win tickets, and I won! What was really exciting was that they gave me a five-pack of tickets, so even Nolan got to come along.
We got in our seats about 30 seconds before the show started. I had so much fun just watching the boys' faces. TJ took in the performance like a typical kid. His favorite part was watching the guy get shot out of the cannon. Nolan had a look of puzzlement and awe on his face. He loved it, but couldn't quite understand what was happening. Sam was fascinated for about 10 minutes, then spent the rest of the time studying the spot lights, trying to figure out the contraptions in the ceiling, watching what the circus performers were doing in the dark and behind the scenes...basically he was looking everywhere he wasn't intended to. Typical.
Here's a few pictures from the show. It was great, and the best part was it was FREE!!

The next day, I saw that WOOD TV was giving away tickets via their EightWest TV program. I signed up on Facebook to win tickets, and I won! What was really exciting was that they gave me a five-pack of tickets, so even Nolan got to come along.
We got in our seats about 30 seconds before the show started. I had so much fun just watching the boys' faces. TJ took in the performance like a typical kid. His favorite part was watching the guy get shot out of the cannon. Nolan had a look of puzzlement and awe on his face. He loved it, but couldn't quite understand what was happening. Sam was fascinated for about 10 minutes, then spent the rest of the time studying the spot lights, trying to figure out the contraptions in the ceiling, watching what the circus performers were doing in the dark and behind the scenes...basically he was looking everywhere he wasn't intended to. Typical.
Here's a few pictures from the show. It was great, and the best part was it was FREE!!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I used to worry that subcontractors who came to our house would be annoyed and frustrated by my overly curious and overly talkative boys. That has not been the case. The men thoroughly enjoy the boys for one reason: the boys are cheerleaders.
TJ takes every opportunity to creep downstairs and talk to whoever is down there: Dan, the drywall man, or Scot the painter. He is in awe of them and repeatedly tells them how nice everything looks or what a great job they are doing. Sam doesn't try to go downstairs, he just meets them as they come and go in the driveway. The other night, Scot was sitting in his truck (either eating or talking on the phone) and Sam was standing right next to the driver's door, talking Scot's ear off. I could hear Scot chuckling as Sam prattled on and on.
Later that evening, Scot headed up to the roof. Bill is NOT a fan of heights, and just couldn't bring himself to climb the roof to put the caulk and second coat of paint on the chimney. So (for a mere $30), Scot said he would do it. It was a pleasant evening, and I was outside with all 3 boys and one of the neighbor boys. As Scot climbed the ladder, all four boys stood in the front yard, watching breathlessly. The moment Scot put both feet on the roof, Sam yelled, "Good job, painter!" I could see Scot smiling. He then proceeded the climb the roof and disappeared from view. Four boys ran down the hill and around the side of the house to see what Scot was doing next. I could hear Sam cheering him on. I finally convinced Sam to call him Scot instead of 'Painter'.
The basement is now done, with the exception of the carpet for Bill's office. That will be installed the last week of September. Bill will spend the winter finishing the kitchenette and laying tile. Family room carpet won't come until the spring. My boys are going to be bored and lonely now that the workers are gone. But they love having the family room back and Bill and I are enjoying the peace and quiet upstairs.
TJ takes every opportunity to creep downstairs and talk to whoever is down there: Dan, the drywall man, or Scot the painter. He is in awe of them and repeatedly tells them how nice everything looks or what a great job they are doing. Sam doesn't try to go downstairs, he just meets them as they come and go in the driveway. The other night, Scot was sitting in his truck (either eating or talking on the phone) and Sam was standing right next to the driver's door, talking Scot's ear off. I could hear Scot chuckling as Sam prattled on and on.
Later that evening, Scot headed up to the roof. Bill is NOT a fan of heights, and just couldn't bring himself to climb the roof to put the caulk and second coat of paint on the chimney. So (for a mere $30), Scot said he would do it. It was a pleasant evening, and I was outside with all 3 boys and one of the neighbor boys. As Scot climbed the ladder, all four boys stood in the front yard, watching breathlessly. The moment Scot put both feet on the roof, Sam yelled, "Good job, painter!" I could see Scot smiling. He then proceeded the climb the roof and disappeared from view. Four boys ran down the hill and around the side of the house to see what Scot was doing next. I could hear Sam cheering him on. I finally convinced Sam to call him Scot instead of 'Painter'.
The basement is now done, with the exception of the carpet for Bill's office. That will be installed the last week of September. Bill will spend the winter finishing the kitchenette and laying tile. Family room carpet won't come until the spring. My boys are going to be bored and lonely now that the workers are gone. But they love having the family room back and Bill and I are enjoying the peace and quiet upstairs.
He has a name
It took two full days, but Emily and Jeff finally settled on a name: Tobias Arthur Geiger. Tobias is Hebrew for "God is Good", which I love. Arthur was Emily's Dad's middle name, and is a wonderful way to honor a grandpa who passed away over 25 years ago.
I am anxious for pictures and wonder how long it will be before I get to meet Tobias. Steve says it's okay to call him Tag, but not Toby, so take note!
I am anxious for pictures and wonder how long it will be before I get to meet Tobias. Steve says it's okay to call him Tag, but not Toby, so take note!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
My new nephew
I have a new nephew. Emily and Jeff had a baby boy this morning, around 9:45 Oregon time. He weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces and was 20 inches long. However, they are still debating between two names, so I cannot tell you what my new nephew's name is...yet.
I just received the following email from my father-in-law, and thought it was worth saving:
To my children,
No news on the what the Geiger child will be called. For now Cindy and I are referring to him as Number 6 or What's his Name. As a wise Grandma Geiger said : "You've know this child was coming for 9 months. What do you mean you haven't named him?" Uncle Ryan said, "What the h... is up with that?
My thought is that they need to see his college transcripts first. By that time he will be known simply as Geiger...not all bad, very few people are famous enough to be known by one name...or he will be known only by 123-45-6789 or whatever Uncle Sam dishes out to him for a Social Security number. There was a rock group in the '60's called Question Mark and the Mysteriuns. The Mysteriuns would of course be his parents.
Whatever the name, it would be nice to know by Christmas so that your kids don't fight over the left over presents under the tree.
We will keep you informed as news becomes available. If a name does not appear, please be good uncles and aunts and apologize to the guy on our behalf at the reading of the will, since he would obviously be omitted for lack of a moniker.
Dad or Steve or whatever you call me.
I just received the following email from my father-in-law, and thought it was worth saving:
To my children,
No news on the what the Geiger child will be called. For now Cindy and I are referring to him as Number 6 or What's his Name. As a wise Grandma Geiger said : "You've know this child was coming for 9 months. What do you mean you haven't named him?" Uncle Ryan said, "What the h... is up with that?
My thought is that they need to see his college transcripts first. By that time he will be known simply as Geiger...not all bad, very few people are famous enough to be known by one name...or he will be known only by 123-45-6789 or whatever Uncle Sam dishes out to him for a Social Security number. There was a rock group in the '60's called Question Mark and the Mysteriuns. The Mysteriuns would of course be his parents.
Whatever the name, it would be nice to know by Christmas so that your kids don't fight over the left over presents under the tree.
We will keep you informed as news becomes available. If a name does not appear, please be good uncles and aunts and apologize to the guy on our behalf at the reading of the will, since he would obviously be omitted for lack of a moniker.
Dad or Steve or whatever you call me.
Life according to TJ
Yesterday I picked TJ up from the bus (Wednesdays are the one and only day I get to do that). He climbed in the van and very seriously informed me that a girl cried the whole bus ride home. I asked what was wrong with her and TJ said, "Well, she got dumped. Do you know what dumped means?"
I told no, I didn't. He continues to look very serious and said, "Well, it know, I don't know what it means."
Good. You are only six. It's ridiculous that this is even a topic of conversation among elementary school kids.
Last week, I made enchiladas. TJ usually hates them, but this time, he inhaled his entire enchilada. But that is a tough word for him. Several times during the meal he said, "This is really good. What's it called again?" When his plate was clean he said, "Mom, can I have another chihuahua?" Bill and I both lost it.
I told no, I didn't. He continues to look very serious and said, "Well, it know, I don't know what it means."
Good. You are only six. It's ridiculous that this is even a topic of conversation among elementary school kids.
Last week, I made enchiladas. TJ usually hates them, but this time, he inhaled his entire enchilada. But that is a tough word for him. Several times during the meal he said, "This is really good. What's it called again?" When his plate was clean he said, "Mom, can I have another chihuahua?" Bill and I both lost it.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Marble update
It took seven whole days, but Nolan finally produced a marble this morning! I have never been more relieved to see a foreign object in a poopie diaper in my entire life!
All 3 boys insisted on giving the diaper and marble a visual inspection. They were a little surprised at my decision to throw the marble away, but no one argued with me. I have my limits, you know.
All 3 boys insisted on giving the diaper and marble a visual inspection. They were a little surprised at my decision to throw the marble away, but no one argued with me. I have my limits, you know.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
TJ loves his Magnetix set. He builds some really creative things with the magnetic sticks and silver marbles. He has designed several different vehicles and numerous different buildings. Bill and I have determined he needs more for either his birthday or Christmas so that his creations can continue to grow.
However, because he is a boy, the Magnetix pieces are not always used properly. The silver marbles in particular seem to be tempting. A few weeks back, TJ was playing some sort of basketball game with Nolan and was throwing the silver marbles down Nolan's shirt. I thought I had retrieved them all from down Nolan's shirt, but an hour or so later, I discovered one in Nolan's diaper. Oops!
We have also had trouble with Nolan thinking it is funny to put marbles in his mouth. More than once, Bill and I have scolded him and put the Magnetix away for awhile to help Nolan remember that putting marbles in your mouth is a big no-no. Last week Sunday, Nolan forgot. He was playing in the stairwell with Sam (one of their favorite places to play, for some reason), when both Bill and I heard Nolan make a brief gagging sound and then he started to cry. Bill went over to him and Nolan pointed in his mouth and said, "all gone". Sam confirmed our fears. Nolan put a marble in his mouth and promptly swallowed it. Bill googled our dilemma and discovered marble swallowing is a fairly common problem. We decided not to panic. Nolan was in no distress or pain, and we figured it would pass in a few days. Well, unless we missed it, it hasn't passed and it has now been 6 days. It looks like I am going to have to call the doctor on Monday and see if they think an x-ray is necessary. What could that marble possibly be doing in there??
However, because he is a boy, the Magnetix pieces are not always used properly. The silver marbles in particular seem to be tempting. A few weeks back, TJ was playing some sort of basketball game with Nolan and was throwing the silver marbles down Nolan's shirt. I thought I had retrieved them all from down Nolan's shirt, but an hour or so later, I discovered one in Nolan's diaper. Oops!
We have also had trouble with Nolan thinking it is funny to put marbles in his mouth. More than once, Bill and I have scolded him and put the Magnetix away for awhile to help Nolan remember that putting marbles in your mouth is a big no-no. Last week Sunday, Nolan forgot. He was playing in the stairwell with Sam (one of their favorite places to play, for some reason), when both Bill and I heard Nolan make a brief gagging sound and then he started to cry. Bill went over to him and Nolan pointed in his mouth and said, "all gone". Sam confirmed our fears. Nolan put a marble in his mouth and promptly swallowed it. Bill googled our dilemma and discovered marble swallowing is a fairly common problem. We decided not to panic. Nolan was in no distress or pain, and we figured it would pass in a few days. Well, unless we missed it, it hasn't passed and it has now been 6 days. It looks like I am going to have to call the doctor on Monday and see if they think an x-ray is necessary. What could that marble possibly be doing in there??
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Oh Sam!
For dinner Monday, Bill grilled hamburgers. We grill at least once a week during the summer, so the boys are used to the Weber being in the driveway.
When I was putting the boys in bed that night, Sam informed me that he had burned himself on the grill. He pointed at an invisible spot on his left arm. I sympathized over the hidden burn, and reminded him not to go near the grill when it was hot.
By yesterday afternoon, the non-existent burn was a large, blistering burn on his left forearm. He also has a smaller burn on his right arm. What did he do? Try to hug the grill? I asked Bill if he saw Sam near the grill, but he hadn't. Sam didn't inform Daddy of his burns until Tuesday morning.
Yesterday (Tuesday) was one of the best days of Sam's life. He started preschool. He was so excited. TJ got on the bus for his first day of first grade at 7:50 a.m. Immediately after that, Sam started asking when we would be leaving for preschool. Poor Sam. Preschool doesn't start until 9:30. He kept putting his backpack on and asking me what time it was. Sam has a watch, which he recently started wearing fairly regularly. TJ also has a watch and is figuring out how to tell time. Sam's understanding of the time is coming more slowly, but he seemed to understand what I was saying when I described what 9:00 looked like (that's when we were leaving to go pick up Grandma so she could see where Sam had to be dropped off and picked up). Sam listened closely, then started fussing with his watch. He somehow pulled the little dial on his watch and managed to change the time. After a moment he muttered, "There. Now it's 9:00". I held back laughter and gently explained that we can't make time go faster by adjusting clocks.
When we arrived at preschool, Sam met the teacher aide for the first time. He was already absorbed in looking at some projects that were laid out, and muttered "Sam" when she asked him what his name was. She asked him to tell her his name one more time. Sam looked up and spelled out very clearly "S. A. M." I laughed. He wasn't being rude. He was just letting her know how he spells his name.
When he got home from my mom's tonight, Sam informed me that he had to go potty. I asked him to hang up his coat, then come down to the bathroom. A minute later, Sam wandered into my bedroom. I asked him if he was ready to go potty, and he said, "No. I think I will spin for awhile first." He then began spinning in circles.
OK. That lasted for about five minutes. Then Sam decided he was ready to go potty.
When I was putting the boys in bed that night, Sam informed me that he had burned himself on the grill. He pointed at an invisible spot on his left arm. I sympathized over the hidden burn, and reminded him not to go near the grill when it was hot.
By yesterday afternoon, the non-existent burn was a large, blistering burn on his left forearm. He also has a smaller burn on his right arm. What did he do? Try to hug the grill? I asked Bill if he saw Sam near the grill, but he hadn't. Sam didn't inform Daddy of his burns until Tuesday morning.
Yesterday (Tuesday) was one of the best days of Sam's life. He started preschool. He was so excited. TJ got on the bus for his first day of first grade at 7:50 a.m. Immediately after that, Sam started asking when we would be leaving for preschool. Poor Sam. Preschool doesn't start until 9:30. He kept putting his backpack on and asking me what time it was. Sam has a watch, which he recently started wearing fairly regularly. TJ also has a watch and is figuring out how to tell time. Sam's understanding of the time is coming more slowly, but he seemed to understand what I was saying when I described what 9:00 looked like (that's when we were leaving to go pick up Grandma so she could see where Sam had to be dropped off and picked up). Sam listened closely, then started fussing with his watch. He somehow pulled the little dial on his watch and managed to change the time. After a moment he muttered, "There. Now it's 9:00". I held back laughter and gently explained that we can't make time go faster by adjusting clocks.
When we arrived at preschool, Sam met the teacher aide for the first time. He was already absorbed in looking at some projects that were laid out, and muttered "Sam" when she asked him what his name was. She asked him to tell her his name one more time. Sam looked up and spelled out very clearly "S. A. M." I laughed. He wasn't being rude. He was just letting her know how he spells his name.
When he got home from my mom's tonight, Sam informed me that he had to go potty. I asked him to hang up his coat, then come down to the bathroom. A minute later, Sam wandered into my bedroom. I asked him if he was ready to go potty, and he said, "No. I think I will spin for awhile first." He then began spinning in circles.
OK. That lasted for about five minutes. Then Sam decided he was ready to go potty.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Can you hear me now?
Earlier this week, Sam decided he no longer needed to wear Pull-ups to bed at night. He is now wearing underwear around the clock!! We do still have the occasional incident where he needs to poop and waits just a minute too long to tell us, but we're working on that. Overall, I am thrilled with his progress.
Since he is wearing underwear to bed, Sam has to be able to wake himself up at night if he needs to go potty. He has been doing this since the very first day he used the potty. Odd, but I'll take it. My only beef is that Sam's whispering skills are lacking. And he's had to go potty in the middle of the night several times in the past week. It is a bit hard on my heart to be in a deep sleep and suddenly have this child talking at full volume. "Mama! I need to go potty! Did you know that I have a lot of bug bites? Are you going to help me go potty?" Sure Sam. Just as soon as I peel my terrified self off of the ceiling.
What's most amusing (or annoying?) is that Sam really does not need my help. He can get on and off the potty by himself. The only thing he has a bit of trouble with is pulling up his pants. Being the perfectionist that he is (who'd he get that from, anyway??), he won't tolerate his waistband being folded over or his underwear being bunched up. So Mommy drags herself out of bed to prevent these tragedies from occurring.
On Thursday, I took the boys in to the chiropractor for our regular visit (we go once every 3 weeks). My boys love Dr. Waswick and usually fight over who gets to go first. Sam was up first this time. Dr. Waswick adjusted Sam's neck and Sam started laughing. He told Dr. Waswick, "When you cracked my neck, I burped."
Dr. Waswick looked amazed and said, "I wondered what that was!" Then he and Sam both started laughing again. I'm glad we have a chiropractor who appreciates my wacky boys.
Since he is wearing underwear to bed, Sam has to be able to wake himself up at night if he needs to go potty. He has been doing this since the very first day he used the potty. Odd, but I'll take it. My only beef is that Sam's whispering skills are lacking. And he's had to go potty in the middle of the night several times in the past week. It is a bit hard on my heart to be in a deep sleep and suddenly have this child talking at full volume. "Mama! I need to go potty! Did you know that I have a lot of bug bites? Are you going to help me go potty?" Sure Sam. Just as soon as I peel my terrified self off of the ceiling.
What's most amusing (or annoying?) is that Sam really does not need my help. He can get on and off the potty by himself. The only thing he has a bit of trouble with is pulling up his pants. Being the perfectionist that he is (who'd he get that from, anyway??), he won't tolerate his waistband being folded over or his underwear being bunched up. So Mommy drags herself out of bed to prevent these tragedies from occurring.
On Thursday, I took the boys in to the chiropractor for our regular visit (we go once every 3 weeks). My boys love Dr. Waswick and usually fight over who gets to go first. Sam was up first this time. Dr. Waswick adjusted Sam's neck and Sam started laughing. He told Dr. Waswick, "When you cracked my neck, I burped."
Dr. Waswick looked amazed and said, "I wondered what that was!" Then he and Sam both started laughing again. I'm glad we have a chiropractor who appreciates my wacky boys.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
"I stuck!"
Monday night, TJ and Sam went down the street to play with a friend. That allowed me to get a few things accomplished while Nolan watched an Elmo DVD. While I was changing the sheets on our bed, Nolan wandered down to see what I was up to. He stood at the end of the bed chattering away while I tucked in the blanket. Suddenly, Nolan said, "Mama. I stuck." I looked down at him and saw he had put one leg between the slats of my foot board. He then tried to put his foot all the way down to the ground and got his chubby little leg wedged tightly. To make matters worse, his foot was completely underneath the bed frame. I knelt down and tried to pull his leg out, but I needed to pull his leg and turn it at the same time. I couldn't get it to budge. I tried several times while Nolan yelled in protest.
I finally realized I could not get Nolan out without some help. Bill was in the basement, putting up the trim in the family room. I started shouting his name, but he couldn't hear me. I was yelling as loudly as I possibly could, but he wasn't coming. I was starting to feel a tiny bit panicky. Due to his awkward position, Nolan was relying on me to help him support his weight. I finally convinced him to hold on to the slats tight and I ran to the top of the stairs and yelled for Bill one more time. This time he heard me and came running up the stairs. He was able to help me, but he had to lift both the mattress and the box spring before I was finally able to get Nolan free. I was very relieved and wondered what I would have done if Bill had not been home.
Nolan was remarkably unscathed by the whole ordeal. In fact, the little turkey seemed to find it funny afterwards. For the rest of the evening, he kept walking past me and saying in a little sing-song voice, "Bill! I stuck!" Then he'd grin at me and say, "Do it again, Mama?"
Story #2:
Last week, Sam and Nolan were jumping on the couch, which is a big no-no. As I was telling them to get down before someone fell and got hurt, Nolan fell off the side of the couch. And got hurt. He had a big rug burn on the back of his right forearm. I would say it was an inch and a half wide, and three or four inches long. It was ugly. It is finally starting to heal. This morning I was looking at it and telling Nolan how happy I was that his owie was getting better.
Nolan looked up me very matter-of-factly and said, "Another owie comin' soon."
I finally realized I could not get Nolan out without some help. Bill was in the basement, putting up the trim in the family room. I started shouting his name, but he couldn't hear me. I was yelling as loudly as I possibly could, but he wasn't coming. I was starting to feel a tiny bit panicky. Due to his awkward position, Nolan was relying on me to help him support his weight. I finally convinced him to hold on to the slats tight and I ran to the top of the stairs and yelled for Bill one more time. This time he heard me and came running up the stairs. He was able to help me, but he had to lift both the mattress and the box spring before I was finally able to get Nolan free. I was very relieved and wondered what I would have done if Bill had not been home.
Nolan was remarkably unscathed by the whole ordeal. In fact, the little turkey seemed to find it funny afterwards. For the rest of the evening, he kept walking past me and saying in a little sing-song voice, "Bill! I stuck!" Then he'd grin at me and say, "Do it again, Mama?"
Story #2:
Last week, Sam and Nolan were jumping on the couch, which is a big no-no. As I was telling them to get down before someone fell and got hurt, Nolan fell off the side of the couch. And got hurt. He had a big rug burn on the back of his right forearm. I would say it was an inch and a half wide, and three or four inches long. It was ugly. It is finally starting to heal. This morning I was looking at it and telling Nolan how happy I was that his owie was getting better.
Nolan looked up me very matter-of-factly and said, "Another owie comin' soon."
Sunday, August 29, 2010
One more thing...
Friday night the space station flew over at 8:50 p.m. We let the TJ and Sam stay up and took them outside to watch it pass overhead. It was the perfect night for it....almost dark and not a cloud in the sky. The boys watched it intently as Bill and I explained approximately how big it is, what the astronauts are doing up there, etc. As it moved out of sight, TJ said, "Hey! Did you see that?"
I asked him what he said. "I think I just saw one of the astronauts throw a sandwich out the window!"
I asked him what he said. "I think I just saw one of the astronauts throw a sandwich out the window!"
Week in Review
I have to admit, it is getting harder to keep up with this blog, now that I am working 30 hours a week. We will have to see if things get easier (or crazier!) once school starts next week.
TJ will be in first grade. That means he will eat lunch at school every day. I do not have a logical explanation for why, but I detest packing his lunches. It doesn't bother me to feed him at home at lunch time, but I strongly dislike making lunches up the night before. I told him I would appreciate it if he would get hot lunch at least twice a week. He genuinely prefers just a peanut butter and honey sandwich, so this will be a sacrifice for both of us (the two hot lunches a week for him, and me packing three a week). We'll see how it goes.
Here are the funny moments from this past week.
Sam, sitting on the potty, suddenly has an epiphany. "Mom! Clark and I are as big as ourselves!" Long pause. "I mean, I am as big as Clark now!"
TJ was misbehaving at some point during this past week, and Sam was listening to me threaten him. I told TJ to "knock it off, or you are going to spend the better part of the morning in your room." Sam's comment? "Or a really long time." Isn't the better part of the morning a really long time, especially when you are six?
At the boys' request, I made cheeseburgers for dinner Friday night. I didn't have any meat thawed, so I made veggie burgers (those babies cook up in two minutes!) Nolan didn't seem to notice he wasn't eating real meat. Sam spied chopped carrots and onion in the veggie patty, and carefully picked out as much as he could. TJ was the funniest. I asked him what he wanted besides cheese on his burger. He replied, "potatoes and cucumbers." At first I was grossed out, but then I thought about what he was saying. I asked him if he mean TOmatoes and pickles. He agreed that was what he meant. But then he decided no pickles, but he needed lettuce. And then he asked for 'the big round thing like what I had on my burger at Grandma Cindy's.' That really confused me. After a couple minutes of thinking, I pulled out an onion and TJ lit up. "Yes! I want that!" What is really funny is he ate the tomato, lettuce, and onion. Good boy!
On Wednesday night, the boys had a sleepover at my mom's. Sam just loves having sleepovers, and had requested this. It worked out well. I stayed with the boys until bedtime, tucked them in, read them a story, then headed downstairs to exercise. Bill was leaving for Detroit early Thursday morning, so this meant my mom didn't have to come over to our house early to fetch the boys before I left for work. TJ understands the reason for the occasional sleepover, but he does not like them. He prefers to be at home, with his parents, in his own bed. After I went to exercise, TJ got up and was telling my mom he wanted to go home. Then he announced, "I just can't take it anymore!" Well, I came back up, left an extra light on for him and convinced him to go to sleep. He survived.
Tonight at dinner, Bill asked Nolan what color his hair was. Without hesitating, Nolan said, "Dark blue."
TJ will be in first grade. That means he will eat lunch at school every day. I do not have a logical explanation for why, but I detest packing his lunches. It doesn't bother me to feed him at home at lunch time, but I strongly dislike making lunches up the night before. I told him I would appreciate it if he would get hot lunch at least twice a week. He genuinely prefers just a peanut butter and honey sandwich, so this will be a sacrifice for both of us (the two hot lunches a week for him, and me packing three a week). We'll see how it goes.
Here are the funny moments from this past week.
Sam, sitting on the potty, suddenly has an epiphany. "Mom! Clark and I are as big as ourselves!" Long pause. "I mean, I am as big as Clark now!"
TJ was misbehaving at some point during this past week, and Sam was listening to me threaten him. I told TJ to "knock it off, or you are going to spend the better part of the morning in your room." Sam's comment? "Or a really long time." Isn't the better part of the morning a really long time, especially when you are six?
At the boys' request, I made cheeseburgers for dinner Friday night. I didn't have any meat thawed, so I made veggie burgers (those babies cook up in two minutes!) Nolan didn't seem to notice he wasn't eating real meat. Sam spied chopped carrots and onion in the veggie patty, and carefully picked out as much as he could. TJ was the funniest. I asked him what he wanted besides cheese on his burger. He replied, "potatoes and cucumbers." At first I was grossed out, but then I thought about what he was saying. I asked him if he mean TOmatoes and pickles. He agreed that was what he meant. But then he decided no pickles, but he needed lettuce. And then he asked for 'the big round thing like what I had on my burger at Grandma Cindy's.' That really confused me. After a couple minutes of thinking, I pulled out an onion and TJ lit up. "Yes! I want that!" What is really funny is he ate the tomato, lettuce, and onion. Good boy!
On Wednesday night, the boys had a sleepover at my mom's. Sam just loves having sleepovers, and had requested this. It worked out well. I stayed with the boys until bedtime, tucked them in, read them a story, then headed downstairs to exercise. Bill was leaving for Detroit early Thursday morning, so this meant my mom didn't have to come over to our house early to fetch the boys before I left for work. TJ understands the reason for the occasional sleepover, but he does not like them. He prefers to be at home, with his parents, in his own bed. After I went to exercise, TJ got up and was telling my mom he wanted to go home. Then he announced, "I just can't take it anymore!" Well, I came back up, left an extra light on for him and convinced him to go to sleep. He survived.
Tonight at dinner, Bill asked Nolan what color his hair was. Without hesitating, Nolan said, "Dark blue."
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Chicken and beans??
Yesterday afternoon, out of the blue, Sam said:
"You know what, Mom? I really like chicken and beans."
This was an odd statement for several reasons. 1. It wasn't mealtime. It was the middle of the afternoon. 2. He isn't a big fan of chicken (unless it is doused in ketchup or mustard). 3. He isn't a fan of beans, regardless of what they are doused in. 4. I have never fed him chicken and beans together.
This afternoon, TJ and Sam were playing the living room. I overhead TJ say, "Sam, your fight is over." I'm not sure what fight was over, but I hope Sam fought a good one.
Tonight, we went swimming at Jon and Lisa Bratt's pool. They lived down the street from us in Comstock Park, and we've stayed in touch with them since moving out to Marne. Sam didn't really swim, but squirted people with his water bottle, and sat on the top step of the pool with Nolan (who spent a lot of time playing in his inflatable boat and demonstrating he has no fear of water, gravity, or lack of oxygen). After awhile, Sam came over the patio area and asked to sit in the hammock. He was happily swaying back and forth when he noticed Lisa watching him and smiling. Sam sat straight up and said "Hey! What are you lookin' at ME for?" Of course, everyone laughed.
"You know what, Mom? I really like chicken and beans."
This was an odd statement for several reasons. 1. It wasn't mealtime. It was the middle of the afternoon. 2. He isn't a big fan of chicken (unless it is doused in ketchup or mustard). 3. He isn't a fan of beans, regardless of what they are doused in. 4. I have never fed him chicken and beans together.
This afternoon, TJ and Sam were playing the living room. I overhead TJ say, "Sam, your fight is over." I'm not sure what fight was over, but I hope Sam fought a good one.
Tonight, we went swimming at Jon and Lisa Bratt's pool. They lived down the street from us in Comstock Park, and we've stayed in touch with them since moving out to Marne. Sam didn't really swim, but squirted people with his water bottle, and sat on the top step of the pool with Nolan (who spent a lot of time playing in his inflatable boat and demonstrating he has no fear of water, gravity, or lack of oxygen). After awhile, Sam came over the patio area and asked to sit in the hammock. He was happily swaying back and forth when he noticed Lisa watching him and smiling. Sam sat straight up and said "Hey! What are you lookin' at ME for?" Of course, everyone laughed.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
3 items from TJ
On Monday night, I was baking two cakes. I know, I are wondering why I was baking. I had volunteered to bake for a funeral luncheon at our church. TJ was eating dinner and watching me work when he asked me why I didn't cook much. I immediately felt bad. At that moment, he was eating pizza from Little Caesars. It is true. I do not cook as much as I used to. We do Schwans 1-2 nights a week, and we eat out (or pick something up) about once a week. It's helping me stay on top of things at home, in addition to working 30 hours a week. I started to explain all of that to TJ when he cut me off.
"No, no, that's not what I meant! Why don't you cook cakes and brownies like Grandma?"
Then I understood. He wasn't criticizing the change in our dinner habits, he was wondering why I don't bake more often! I laughed. I told him that many people in my family (Mom, Amanda, Jared, Brianna, Bill) all love to bake, but that I just didn't care for it. TJ looked rather grumpy and muttered that HE liked to bake. I pointed out that Grandma, Auntie Boo, and sometimes Daddy all let him help when they bake.
His mother is a failure as a domestic goddess. And frankly, I don't care. He lives in a very clean house. I hope someday he appreciates that instead!
Second item: Yesterday was the final Wee People Picnic of the summer. I had to work, and Amanda had the boys for the day. She took the boys to the picnic, and my mom went along with Clark and Miles. Kristi and her girls were there, which meant all of my mom's grandkids were at the picnic. TJ had to tell me all about it. He informed me that all 8 Van Dop cousins were there, plus two more still 'in tummies.' That made me laugh. And Amanda, if you hadn't told everyone, well, I just outed you!
Finally, TJ has a new accessory on his bike. Here it is:
I am not quite sure why he wanted that on his bike, but let me reassure everyone that no pesticides have been applied to his bike.
"No, no, that's not what I meant! Why don't you cook cakes and brownies like Grandma?"
Then I understood. He wasn't criticizing the change in our dinner habits, he was wondering why I don't bake more often! I laughed. I told him that many people in my family (Mom, Amanda, Jared, Brianna, Bill) all love to bake, but that I just didn't care for it. TJ looked rather grumpy and muttered that HE liked to bake. I pointed out that Grandma, Auntie Boo, and sometimes Daddy all let him help when they bake.
His mother is a failure as a domestic goddess. And frankly, I don't care. He lives in a very clean house. I hope someday he appreciates that instead!
Second item: Yesterday was the final Wee People Picnic of the summer. I had to work, and Amanda had the boys for the day. She took the boys to the picnic, and my mom went along with Clark and Miles. Kristi and her girls were there, which meant all of my mom's grandkids were at the picnic. TJ had to tell me all about it. He informed me that all 8 Van Dop cousins were there, plus two more still 'in tummies.' That made me laugh. And Amanda, if you hadn't told everyone, well, I just outed you!
Finally, TJ has a new accessory on his bike. Here it is:
It's a miracle
Sam is potty trained. AND poop trained. Words cannot even begin to describe my relief. Bill and I aren't even partying. We are just sighing with relief.
And now Nolan is showing an interest! He's pooped on the potty a couple times this week. I'm not going to rush him, but I'm certainly not going to discourage him either.
I have been changing diapers for almost 7 years straight. I'm so ready to be over this....
And now Nolan is showing an interest! He's pooped on the potty a couple times this week. I'm not going to rush him, but I'm certainly not going to discourage him either.
I have been changing diapers for almost 7 years straight. I'm so ready to be over this....
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Sam's first bee sting
This afternoon, I defrosted the chest freezer in the garage. It had quite a bit of frost in it, courtesy of the neighbor boys constantly opening it to see if I have any popsicles.
While I finished up, Sam was in the driveway watching the sprinklers. He pooped on the potty earlier (again!!), so of course I turned the sprinklers on for him. Suddenly, he was crying hysterically and running up the driveway. I met him at at the garage entrance and he showed me his hand.
He had been stung. I think it must have been a wasp, as there was no stinger, but it got him on the palm of his hand and it HURT! As usual, Sam tried to deflect attention away from the fact that he was crying. So, he tried to blame his mother.
"Mama! It stung me! You should have put sunscreen on me!!!" Long pause. I would never laugh at a child who is in pain. "I mean...bug spray! You should have put bug spray on me!"
I brought him inside and ran his hand under cool water. He didn't want ice, but he did let me fill his water bottle with ice water and he held onto that for awhile. After 10 minutes, he was as good as new, but still rather offended that the bee/wasp had the nerve to sting him in the first place.
While I finished up, Sam was in the driveway watching the sprinklers. He pooped on the potty earlier (again!!), so of course I turned the sprinklers on for him. Suddenly, he was crying hysterically and running up the driveway. I met him at at the garage entrance and he showed me his hand.
He had been stung. I think it must have been a wasp, as there was no stinger, but it got him on the palm of his hand and it HURT! As usual, Sam tried to deflect attention away from the fact that he was crying. So, he tried to blame his mother.
"Mama! It stung me! You should have put sunscreen on me!!!" Long pause. I would never laugh at a child who is in pain. "I mean...bug spray! You should have put bug spray on me!"
I brought him inside and ran his hand under cool water. He didn't want ice, but he did let me fill his water bottle with ice water and he held onto that for awhile. After 10 minutes, he was as good as new, but still rather offended that the bee/wasp had the nerve to sting him in the first place.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Nolan's color and clothing issues
Nolan knows his colors. I can't take credit for that. He is a smart kid who picks things up quickly. Blue is his favorite color. Last night we went out for ice cream. I held him up so he could look over the hard serve ice cream and he announced he wanted pink ice cream. He enjoyed every bite of his strawberry ice cream.
Nolan also loves elephants (he calls them "eldephants"). He has a set of 5 onesies with various animals on them. Two of them have elephants on them.
On Wednesday, I went to put Nolan in this shirt:

He got very upset and said, "No! Want BLUE elephants!" (The elephants on the shirt above are all brown). I was confused for a minute, but then I grabbed this shirt:
Nolan said, "Yes! Blue elephants!"
Well, this morning, the blue elephant shirt was in the wash. I had laid out the brown elephant shirt. I actually had forgotten all about Wednesday morning's episode. I was in the bathroom getting ready for work when I heard Nolan sobbing hysterically. I could tell immediately what the problem was (you could hear the words "blue" and "elephant" among the sobs). Bill couldn't understand him, and had no idea why Nolan was being so resistant about getting dressed. I went in Nolan's room, filled Bill in, and then explained to Nolan that the blue elephant shirt was in the wash, and couldn't we please wear the brown elephant shirt today? Nolan thought it over, pulled himself together, and reluctantly agreed to wear the brown elephant shirt.
Sheesh! I thought that by having only boys I would avoid clothing drama like this!
Nolan also loves elephants (he calls them "eldephants"). He has a set of 5 onesies with various animals on them. Two of them have elephants on them.
On Wednesday, I went to put Nolan in this shirt:
He got very upset and said, "No! Want BLUE elephants!" (The elephants on the shirt above are all brown). I was confused for a minute, but then I grabbed this shirt:
Well, this morning, the blue elephant shirt was in the wash. I had laid out the brown elephant shirt. I actually had forgotten all about Wednesday morning's episode. I was in the bathroom getting ready for work when I heard Nolan sobbing hysterically. I could tell immediately what the problem was (you could hear the words "blue" and "elephant" among the sobs). Bill couldn't understand him, and had no idea why Nolan was being so resistant about getting dressed. I went in Nolan's room, filled Bill in, and then explained to Nolan that the blue elephant shirt was in the wash, and couldn't we please wear the brown elephant shirt today? Nolan thought it over, pulled himself together, and reluctantly agreed to wear the brown elephant shirt.
Sheesh! I thought that by having only boys I would avoid clothing drama like this!
Random Funnies Brought to You by TJ
The other day Bill and I were talking about TJ's college fund (which is in rather pathetic shape at the moment) during dinner. TJ looked up and said, "I don't need to go to college. I'd rather ride my bike." We laughed and told him that was definitely a cheaper option, but he shouldn't rule out college just yet.
In that very same conversation, we were talking about money. I told TJ that college was very expensive. TJ said, "You need money? Just get me a color printer and I'll get you all the money you need." I think my mouth fell open. Bill laughed and said that TJ had seen that on an episode of iCarly.
TJ is becoming aware of what goes on when adults run errands, and he wants to help out. Last week, he and I went and got our hair cut. On the way home, we stopped for gas. He asked if he could get out of the car and watch. I said yes, so he jumped right out and watch me start pumping the gas. Then he went and got the window squeegee and proceeded to start washing all of the windows. They were lovely. Much messier than before he cleaned them. I had to laugh at how intently he was cleaning them for me.
The other day we stopped at the ATM. Again, TJ asked permission to get out of his booster seat so he could watch me. He came up to the front of the van and I explained what I was doing, and what the machine was doing. I hope I can get him to understand the work that is involved in getting money in the bank. It doesn't just appear there like magic. There's a lot of hard work involved!
Last week, Amanda took TJ blueberry picking. She said they spent some time discussing cousins and babies. TJ told her that Uncle Nate and Auntie Bree need to have a baby, so that Uncle Nate always has someone to play the Wii with him.
Tonight we took the boys out for ice cream (Sam's reward for keeping his pants clean ALL DAY and doing a very nice poop on the potty!). As we pulled up, a 1941 Cadillac convertible pulled up next to us (no, I didn't know the year off-hand. Bill talked to the owner while we were eating). TJ said, "Mom! Look! They have a cool car AND a puppy!" I laughed. The puppy was nice, but nowhere near as fascinating as the car.
In that very same conversation, we were talking about money. I told TJ that college was very expensive. TJ said, "You need money? Just get me a color printer and I'll get you all the money you need." I think my mouth fell open. Bill laughed and said that TJ had seen that on an episode of iCarly.
TJ is becoming aware of what goes on when adults run errands, and he wants to help out. Last week, he and I went and got our hair cut. On the way home, we stopped for gas. He asked if he could get out of the car and watch. I said yes, so he jumped right out and watch me start pumping the gas. Then he went and got the window squeegee and proceeded to start washing all of the windows. They were lovely. Much messier than before he cleaned them. I had to laugh at how intently he was cleaning them for me.
The other day we stopped at the ATM. Again, TJ asked permission to get out of his booster seat so he could watch me. He came up to the front of the van and I explained what I was doing, and what the machine was doing. I hope I can get him to understand the work that is involved in getting money in the bank. It doesn't just appear there like magic. There's a lot of hard work involved!
Last week, Amanda took TJ blueberry picking. She said they spent some time discussing cousins and babies. TJ told her that Uncle Nate and Auntie Bree need to have a baby, so that Uncle Nate always has someone to play the Wii with him.
Tonight we took the boys out for ice cream (Sam's reward for keeping his pants clean ALL DAY and doing a very nice poop on the potty!). As we pulled up, a 1941 Cadillac convertible pulled up next to us (no, I didn't know the year off-hand. Bill talked to the owner while we were eating). TJ said, "Mom! Look! They have a cool car AND a puppy!" I laughed. The puppy was nice, but nowhere near as fascinating as the car.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sam's appointments
I apologize for my absence. Life has been really busy lately!
Last Wednesday, TJ and Sam had dental appointments. Immediately afterwards, Sam had his four-year well-child appointment. Both boys did very well at the dentist (although TJ had THREE cavities! I think his baby teeth have got to go! They are costing me a fortune!). The hygienist met with me after their cleanings to review everything with me. She immediately commented on how Sam was 'quite the character.' I smiled, but waited to hear what he had done this time. During his cleaning, he looked up at the hygienist and said "So....what's your situation?" The hygienist didn't know what to make of that. I doubt any other four-year-old has asked her that. She finally said, "Well, I have to work all day", but she wasn't sure if that was what he meant. The hygienist told Dr. Mike what Sam had said. Dr. Mike went right up to Sam and asked, "So, Sam, what's your situation?"
Sam's response? A big smile and "Oh! I'm good!"
After the dentist, we had a little time to kill before we went to the pediatrician. So, we drove through the construction zone on I-196. The boys wanted to check out the progress and drive on the brand-new lanes. They really are easy to entertain!
At Sam's appointment, we got his 4-year stats:
40.5 inches (53rd percentile)
40 pounds exactly (80th percentile...remember when he used to be off the charts??)
Sam entertained Dr. Conner and was quite cooperative during his check-up, with the exception of hopping on one foot. He wouldn't do that for her. Then she slipped out and 3 nurses came in. I hadn't told Sam he was getting shots. I didn't want him to stress or worry about it. I boosted him up on the exam table and helped him lay back. I told him he needed to get a couple pokes, but I knew he would be brave. One nurse held his knees, and I held his hands. The other two nurses administered the shots (2 in one thigh, 3 in the other. 5 pokes!) When the first two shots went in, Sam stiffened up and started yelling, "Stop! Stop! Stop!" By the time the last shot went in, Sam was covering his eyes. He didn't want the nurses to see the two tears that rolled down his cheeks. I felt so bad. He was offended and angry that the nurses did that to him, and that his Mommy didn't stop them. I picked him up and cuddled him until he had himself under control. TJ was fascinated by the entire procedure. I reminded him that it took 5 people to hold him down, and that people several miles away could hear him screaming. Sam was tough and brave in comparison.
So, Sam is ready for school now...except for the ongoing poop issue. He did a big poop on the potty yesterday. But then he filled his pants today. One step forward, two steps back...
Last Wednesday, TJ and Sam had dental appointments. Immediately afterwards, Sam had his four-year well-child appointment. Both boys did very well at the dentist (although TJ had THREE cavities! I think his baby teeth have got to go! They are costing me a fortune!). The hygienist met with me after their cleanings to review everything with me. She immediately commented on how Sam was 'quite the character.' I smiled, but waited to hear what he had done this time. During his cleaning, he looked up at the hygienist and said "So....what's your situation?" The hygienist didn't know what to make of that. I doubt any other four-year-old has asked her that. She finally said, "Well, I have to work all day", but she wasn't sure if that was what he meant. The hygienist told Dr. Mike what Sam had said. Dr. Mike went right up to Sam and asked, "So, Sam, what's your situation?"
Sam's response? A big smile and "Oh! I'm good!"
After the dentist, we had a little time to kill before we went to the pediatrician. So, we drove through the construction zone on I-196. The boys wanted to check out the progress and drive on the brand-new lanes. They really are easy to entertain!
At Sam's appointment, we got his 4-year stats:
40.5 inches (53rd percentile)
40 pounds exactly (80th percentile...remember when he used to be off the charts??)
Sam entertained Dr. Conner and was quite cooperative during his check-up, with the exception of hopping on one foot. He wouldn't do that for her. Then she slipped out and 3 nurses came in. I hadn't told Sam he was getting shots. I didn't want him to stress or worry about it. I boosted him up on the exam table and helped him lay back. I told him he needed to get a couple pokes, but I knew he would be brave. One nurse held his knees, and I held his hands. The other two nurses administered the shots (2 in one thigh, 3 in the other. 5 pokes!) When the first two shots went in, Sam stiffened up and started yelling, "Stop! Stop! Stop!" By the time the last shot went in, Sam was covering his eyes. He didn't want the nurses to see the two tears that rolled down his cheeks. I felt so bad. He was offended and angry that the nurses did that to him, and that his Mommy didn't stop them. I picked him up and cuddled him until he had himself under control. TJ was fascinated by the entire procedure. I reminded him that it took 5 people to hold him down, and that people several miles away could hear him screaming. Sam was tough and brave in comparison.
So, Sam is ready for school now...except for the ongoing poop issue. He did a big poop on the potty yesterday. But then he filled his pants today. One step forward, two steps back...
Sunday, August 1, 2010
I made jambalaya for dinner tonight. My children will all eat it. They won't all eat chicken nuggets or hot dogs, but they will all eat jambalaya. Weirdos.
The recipe I use calls for Tabasco sauce. We use Frank's, cuz, well, Frank's is the best! I only put a tiny bit in while I am cooking the jambalaya. Bill and I spice up our portions after I dish it up. Tonight, Nolan insisted that he get extra Frank's on his. He ate it all up without a word of complaint.
Sam, my sauce man, looked troubled by the meal. I couldn't figure out what his problem was, but he finally clarified it for me. He announced that there was rice in the jambalaya, therefore, he needed the 'black sauce' on his plate or he wasn't going to be able to eat it. He said black sauce always goes with rice. I knew what he meant and at first I tried ignoring him, but he insisted he needed the 'black sauce'. Eventually, I got out some soy sauce, put it on his jambalaya, and he ate it. You can almost hear people in Louisiana screaming in horror. I just chose not to watch him eat it.
As for TJ, he informed me that it was 'the best meal he never ate.' Silly boy. He ate every bite and seemed quite pleased that I used green pepper and roma tomatoes fresh from our garden to make the meal.
The recipe I use calls for Tabasco sauce. We use Frank's, cuz, well, Frank's is the best! I only put a tiny bit in while I am cooking the jambalaya. Bill and I spice up our portions after I dish it up. Tonight, Nolan insisted that he get extra Frank's on his. He ate it all up without a word of complaint.
Sam, my sauce man, looked troubled by the meal. I couldn't figure out what his problem was, but he finally clarified it for me. He announced that there was rice in the jambalaya, therefore, he needed the 'black sauce' on his plate or he wasn't going to be able to eat it. He said black sauce always goes with rice. I knew what he meant and at first I tried ignoring him, but he insisted he needed the 'black sauce'. Eventually, I got out some soy sauce, put it on his jambalaya, and he ate it. You can almost hear people in Louisiana screaming in horror. I just chose not to watch him eat it.
As for TJ, he informed me that it was 'the best meal he never ate.' Silly boy. He ate every bite and seemed quite pleased that I used green pepper and roma tomatoes fresh from our garden to make the meal.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Nolan's Tour De Canterbury
TJ is suddenly a huge bike fanatic. Now that he can get on, start, turn, and stop all by himself, he takes his bike everywhere. I love watching him. He is so proud! Bill is now on my case about how he needs a bike so that he and TJ can go bike riding (to call Bill's current bike a piece of junk is actually being complimentary).
Anyway...when my mom came over to get the boys yesterday morning, TJ asked her if he could ride his bike to her house. She said that would be just fine. Nolan then started insisting that his big wheel needed to go too. Again, my mom said that was fine. She was picturing putting his bike in the back of her car, as she has done several times before. However, that was NOT what Nolan had in mind. My mom glanced out the window a minute later and discovered Nolan past the end of the driveway and headed down the road. My mom never packed up so fast in her life. She threw the kids' stuff in the car, got Sam in, and took off after Nolan. She caught up with him quite quickly (he can't reach the pedals on his bike and scoots with his feet). She followed him the rest of the way, creeping behind my small boy on his big wheel tricycle. Every minute or so he'd peek behind him to make sure she was still there.
I am 100% convinced he will be my first child to break a bone. Sam will be the first child to accidentally blow something up.
Anyway...when my mom came over to get the boys yesterday morning, TJ asked her if he could ride his bike to her house. She said that would be just fine. Nolan then started insisting that his big wheel needed to go too. Again, my mom said that was fine. She was picturing putting his bike in the back of her car, as she has done several times before. However, that was NOT what Nolan had in mind. My mom glanced out the window a minute later and discovered Nolan past the end of the driveway and headed down the road. My mom never packed up so fast in her life. She threw the kids' stuff in the car, got Sam in, and took off after Nolan. She caught up with him quite quickly (he can't reach the pedals on his bike and scoots with his feet). She followed him the rest of the way, creeping behind my small boy on his big wheel tricycle. Every minute or so he'd peek behind him to make sure she was still there.
I am 100% convinced he will be my first child to break a bone. Sam will be the first child to accidentally blow something up.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Those Poor Birds...Part Two
On Sunday morning, Bill and I were standing in the kitchen talking awhile Sam sat on his stool eating breakfast. Bill was commenting on how much better it felt outside, as a cool front had gone through and relieved us of some very humid weather. Sam, as always, was listening closely.
Sam asked, "Mom, is today going to be hot?"
I told him that it was going to be cooler and not feel as muggy. He then went on to speculate, "'s a good day for birds."
I asked him if birds didn't like the heat, and he said, no they didn't. So I asked why, and he said, "Well, the birds turn pink."
Bill and I held back the laughter. I asked Sam if he had ever seen a pink bird, and he looked surprised and said no. So we decided the days must not be too bad for birds if none of them had turned pink.
I am not sure why Sam is so worried about the birds, but I just wanted to let everyone know that as long as they aren't pink, we have nothing to worry about.
Sam asked, "Mom, is today going to be hot?"
I told him that it was going to be cooler and not feel as muggy. He then went on to speculate, "'s a good day for birds."
I asked him if birds didn't like the heat, and he said, no they didn't. So I asked why, and he said, "Well, the birds turn pink."
Bill and I held back the laughter. I asked Sam if he had ever seen a pink bird, and he looked surprised and said no. So we decided the days must not be too bad for birds if none of them had turned pink.
I am not sure why Sam is so worried about the birds, but I just wanted to let everyone know that as long as they aren't pink, we have nothing to worry about.
Customers! Customers Everybody!
Saturday night, we had Ellen, Dan, Mandy, Owen, and Audrey over to celebrate Sam's birthday. TJ was very excited to have guests over. He really didn't care about Sam's birthday, he wanted to show off his new ability to ride a two-wheeler without training wheels. At one point in the afternoon, TJ said to Bill, "And I just can't wait until our customers get here so they can see me ride my bike!"
When Bill told me this story, I was confused as to why TJ would call our guests 'customers'. Bill said he was sure that TJ meant to say 'company'. Ohhhh. And TJ made the same mistake during dinner. He was telling our guests that Austin and Tyler could not come over to play that day because they had customers. Once again, he meant company. It made me laugh. It reminded me of the scene in the movie Cars where Sally is all excited about the customers coming to Radiator Springs.
He may be six, but he's not perfect. Not yet anyway....
When Bill told me this story, I was confused as to why TJ would call our guests 'customers'. Bill said he was sure that TJ meant to say 'company'. Ohhhh. And TJ made the same mistake during dinner. He was telling our guests that Austin and Tyler could not come over to play that day because they had customers. Once again, he meant company. It made me laugh. It reminded me of the scene in the movie Cars where Sally is all excited about the customers coming to Radiator Springs.
He may be six, but he's not perfect. Not yet anyway....
Friday, July 23, 2010
New background
My old background got deleted by 'The Cutest Blog on the Block', so I'm trying something bright and boyish. If it's too bright, leave a comment and complain. Otherwise, you are stuck with it, cuz I'm lazy.
I had another background I liked better, but it was dark, so I would need to change the color of my font from black to white. But I don't remember how to do that.... Anyone? A little help please?
I had another background I liked better, but it was dark, so I would need to change the color of my font from black to white. But I don't remember how to do that.... Anyone? A little help please?
Oh, TJ!
Today is Sam's 4th birthday. We had intended to take the boys to the Berlin Fair after dinner tonight to look at the animals. But today just did not go as planned. It didn't help that Sam pooped his pants 5 times today. I think he was constipated from being away from home (admit all have the same issue!) and was just constantly feeling a need to go today. So, he spent a lot of time sitting on the toilet, being lectured, encouraged, etc... Anyway, it got to be too late, so we went to Meijer instead. Woo hoo!
When we got there, I told Nolan he had to hold my hand until we got him in the shopping cart. TJ said, "Oh, boy! Are we getting the kind with wheels?" Bill and I laughed. Yep. We splurged and got a cart with wheels! I'm not sure what he meant by that question.
Sam got to help pick out a new fish to join the two we've had since last fall. Meijer fish are pretty durable. They selected a black mollie, so I suspect her name is Mollie. I hope Puka and Angie like her. We also got a snail, because I think they are cool. Sam got to pick out his birthday cake for tomorrow night. Bill and I selected a new DVD player since our old one is on its last legs. I got a gift card at work last week, so it was a free new toy for us!
When we got home, we saw our next door neighbors, the Goodwins, were outside with their brand-new baby. We had purchased an outfit for the baby, but hadn't had a chance to stop over with it. So all 5 of us trooped over there with the gift. I thought Stacey looked fantastic for having given birth only 10 days ago. TJ, however, took one look at her and asked me, "Is she having another baby?" I quickly tried to explain how it takes awhile for the Mommy's tummy to go back to normal. But Rob, Stacey's husband, had heard the conversation and was HIGHLY amused by TJ's statement. He filled Stacey in, and even she had to laugh. Thank goodness!
When we got there, I told Nolan he had to hold my hand until we got him in the shopping cart. TJ said, "Oh, boy! Are we getting the kind with wheels?" Bill and I laughed. Yep. We splurged and got a cart with wheels! I'm not sure what he meant by that question.
Sam got to help pick out a new fish to join the two we've had since last fall. Meijer fish are pretty durable. They selected a black mollie, so I suspect her name is Mollie. I hope Puka and Angie like her. We also got a snail, because I think they are cool. Sam got to pick out his birthday cake for tomorrow night. Bill and I selected a new DVD player since our old one is on its last legs. I got a gift card at work last week, so it was a free new toy for us!
When we got home, we saw our next door neighbors, the Goodwins, were outside with their brand-new baby. We had purchased an outfit for the baby, but hadn't had a chance to stop over with it. So all 5 of us trooped over there with the gift. I thought Stacey looked fantastic for having given birth only 10 days ago. TJ, however, took one look at her and asked me, "Is she having another baby?" I quickly tried to explain how it takes awhile for the Mommy's tummy to go back to normal. But Rob, Stacey's husband, had heard the conversation and was HIGHLY amused by TJ's statement. He filled Stacey in, and even she had to laugh. Thank goodness!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Campground Bathroom
I spent a lot of time in the campground bathroom last week. With Sam. He is still struggling with remembering to tell us BEFORE he starts to poop, so we made many, many treks over to the bathroom (which was thankfully just across the street) where Sam would sit. And sit. And sit.
Most of the time, we used the women's bathroom. Some of the time we would use one of the larger family bathrooms, but Sam latched on to stall #2 in the women's bathroom, and that was his preference. You see, the toilet in that stall flushes differently than the rest of the toilets. I have camped at Cran-Hill for 20 years, and never noticed this. Sam noticed this immediately, and loved it.
While Sam sat, he would either ask for privacy (I would stand just outside the stall and wait impatiently), or he had a million questions. In ONE bathroom visit, this is what we discussed:
Most of the time, we used the women's bathroom. Some of the time we would use one of the larger family bathrooms, but Sam latched on to stall #2 in the women's bathroom, and that was his preference. You see, the toilet in that stall flushes differently than the rest of the toilets. I have camped at Cran-Hill for 20 years, and never noticed this. Sam noticed this immediately, and loved it.
While Sam sat, he would either ask for privacy (I would stand just outside the stall and wait impatiently), or he had a million questions. In ONE bathroom visit, this is what we discussed:
- Why is that light broken?
- Why does this toilet flush differently?
- How do I (Sam) relax my muscles to push out the potty?
- What is a buffalo? (I pulled out my iPhone, googled it, and showed him pictures!)
- What bone is....(and he proceeded to ask me about his shoulder, collar bone, breastbone, ribs, all the bones in his arm...he was really testing my ability to recall anatomy class)
- Where does the water go when you flush it?
- Is anyone else in the bathroom with us?
I alternate between wanting to laugh hysterically at him, be totally in awe of the way his mind works, and wanting to scream in frustration because he just NEVER STOPS. He is never satisfied and always wants to know more. Half the time, I no longer have the answers for him.
Oh, and I would just like to share my two rules for campground bathrooms:
1. SHOES ARE A MUST! Sure, they clean it 3 times a day, but bare feet are out of the question! Yuck!!
2. SHOES ARE A MUST! To the lady who walked in from the dirt road, into the not-clean bathroom in just her socks...ICK! Where are your standards???
So what hurts?
Last week, we were camping at Cran-Hill Ranch all week. The Tuesday before we left (5 full days earlier), Nolan started having some stomach issues. To be blunt, he had very loose stools. He was acting perfectly fine, he was eating fine, but he was having 1-4 loose stools a day. I thought perhaps he was teething, so I kept feeling his gums put his amber teething necklace back on him. Things did not improve when we left to go camping. In desperation, I smashed up 1/2 an Immodium before bedtime each night and gave it to him in applesauce. That reduced the messy diapers to one a day.
On Friday morning (day 6 of our camping trip), Nolan started running a fever. He was clingy, whiny, and unhappy. I kept asking him what was wrong and what hurt, and he just didn't know. He perked up enough to go to the beach with Uncle John and Uncle Nate in the afternoon, but crashed again after dinner. You know Nolan isn't feeling well when he turns down an ice cream cone.
Friday night was miserable. He cried in his sleep every 15 minutes or so, and woke up several times. In an effort not to disturb the rest of the campground, I got up each time he fussed to check and see if he needed me. I gave him Tylenol, which did nothing, and had to go digging in my parent's camper at 5 a.m. for the Ibuprofen I had foolishly left over there. They heard me, but knew what I was looking for, as Nolan was crying quite loudly at that point.
After I gave Nolan his Ibuprofen, I snuggled him and asked him if his ears hurt. He said, "No". So I asked him what DID hurt. He calmly pointed at one ear and then the other and said, "This one and this one." I was sooo tired, but I still managed to laugh at that.
By Saturday afternoon, I waved the white flag and took Nolan to to the ER in Big Rapids (best ER experience EVER! In and out in a half hour!!!). Double ear infection. Other than the mystery diarrhea, Nolan had no other symptoms that would have led to an ear infection (no cold, no congestion, no runny nose...). The fever was a bug, as both Sam and Charlotte picked it up, but no one else had ear trouble. As much as I dread the thought, I think it is time to investigate tubes. I am not one for unnecessary medical intervention, but I also hate having him on antibiotics all the time, and I hate seeing how miserable he is when he is dealing with an infection. We shall see....we follow up with the pediatrician at the end of next week.
On Friday morning (day 6 of our camping trip), Nolan started running a fever. He was clingy, whiny, and unhappy. I kept asking him what was wrong and what hurt, and he just didn't know. He perked up enough to go to the beach with Uncle John and Uncle Nate in the afternoon, but crashed again after dinner. You know Nolan isn't feeling well when he turns down an ice cream cone.
Friday night was miserable. He cried in his sleep every 15 minutes or so, and woke up several times. In an effort not to disturb the rest of the campground, I got up each time he fussed to check and see if he needed me. I gave him Tylenol, which did nothing, and had to go digging in my parent's camper at 5 a.m. for the Ibuprofen I had foolishly left over there. They heard me, but knew what I was looking for, as Nolan was crying quite loudly at that point.
After I gave Nolan his Ibuprofen, I snuggled him and asked him if his ears hurt. He said, "No". So I asked him what DID hurt. He calmly pointed at one ear and then the other and said, "This one and this one." I was sooo tired, but I still managed to laugh at that.
By Saturday afternoon, I waved the white flag and took Nolan to to the ER in Big Rapids (best ER experience EVER! In and out in a half hour!!!). Double ear infection. Other than the mystery diarrhea, Nolan had no other symptoms that would have led to an ear infection (no cold, no congestion, no runny nose...). The fever was a bug, as both Sam and Charlotte picked it up, but no one else had ear trouble. As much as I dread the thought, I think it is time to investigate tubes. I am not one for unnecessary medical intervention, but I also hate having him on antibiotics all the time, and I hate seeing how miserable he is when he is dealing with an infection. We shall see....we follow up with the pediatrician at the end of next week.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The Pool Saga
The easiest way to explain the drama is just to show you pictures. Here is the pool the day before the Water Boy (yep, that's the company name!) came and put $160 of pristine water in the pool.
But here we are, on the one night the water level was still pretty accurate and we were able to thoroughly enjoy it.
The entire process has still been worth it, though. TJ has loved swimming in the pool and after his first swim, told me it was the "best day of his life." That alone made all of the headaches and expense worthwhile.
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