Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nolan and stress

So we've discovered recently that Nolan doesn't like it when he is in trouble, when his brothers are fighting, or when there is any sort of chaos or upheaval involving him or within his earshot. He immediately takes on a very pathetic look and says, "I don't feel good." As soon as the stressful moment has passed, Nolan feels just fine again. It's very cute. The problem is that when he's actually sick, we won't know.

This past weekend, we were in Illinois, visiting my mom's extended family. We got home very late...around midnight. Nolan slept awhile on the way home, but was still quite tired when I got him up for church Sunday morning. I walked in his room and gently woke him up. He stood up and said in his most grown-up tone, "Mom, I didn't sleep very well last night." Then his face lit up and he said, "But I got a big garbage truck!" He did. He got a very large toy garbage truck from my aunt and uncle for Christmas. It's the perfect gift for Nolan.

Tonight is my "baby's" last night in his crib. I'm feeling quite nostalgic. That crib has been in constant use for 7 years, 1 month, and 3 days. But the time has come. Amanda and John need the crib, as their second baby is coming in just two months. And Nolan is getting a big boy bed for Christmas. It's just a little harder leaving this stage behind than I expected it to be.

Nolan, just a few moments ago:

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