Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday in a nutshell

My Monday started at 4:40 a.m. when TJ woke me up by saying, "Mom, I think I peed in my pants a little." A little? Nope. It was a lot. On the plus side, I got a load of laundry started before 5 a.m.....

At dinner tonight, TJ asked what the function of your uvula is. Neither Bill or I knew. I had to google it (it helps with speech articulation, in case you were wondering). TJ then proceeded to make lots of strange noises to give his uvula some exercise.

When he wasn't staring in fascination at Bill's old reel-to-reel player (which he just put in the living room for everyone to see, oh yay!), Sam was wandering around asking about the chance of rain for the rest of the week and sorting all of my candles by color and scent.

Nolan kept coming up to me and saying, "Mom! Nose running again!" Ugh . When will he ever NOT have a cold.

I told the boys I was moving to Tahiti. I then realized I wasn't entirely sure where Tahiti is. I need more sleep.

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