Friday, July 23, 2010

Oh, TJ!

Today is Sam's 4th birthday. We had intended to take the boys to the Berlin Fair after dinner tonight to look at the animals. But today just did not go as planned. It didn't help that Sam pooped his pants 5 times today. I think he was constipated from being away from home (admit all have the same issue!) and was just constantly feeling a need to go today. So, he spent a lot of time sitting on the toilet, being lectured, encouraged, etc... Anyway, it got to be too late, so we went to Meijer instead. Woo hoo!

When we got there, I told Nolan he had to hold my hand until we got him in the shopping cart. TJ said, "Oh, boy! Are we getting the kind with wheels?" Bill and I laughed. Yep. We splurged and got a cart with wheels! I'm not sure what he meant by that question.

Sam got to help pick out a new fish to join the two we've had since last fall. Meijer fish are pretty durable. They selected a black mollie, so I suspect her name is Mollie. I hope Puka and Angie like her. We also got a snail, because I think they are cool. Sam got to pick out his birthday cake for tomorrow night. Bill and I selected a new DVD player since our old one is on its last legs. I got a gift card at work last week, so it was a free new toy for us!

When we got home, we saw our next door neighbors, the Goodwins, were outside with their brand-new baby. We had purchased an outfit for the baby, but hadn't had a chance to stop over with it. So all 5 of us trooped over there with the gift. I thought Stacey looked fantastic for having given birth only 10 days ago. TJ, however, took one look at her and asked me, "Is she having another baby?" I quickly tried to explain how it takes awhile for the Mommy's tummy to go back to normal. But Rob, Stacey's husband, had heard the conversation and was HIGHLY amused by TJ's statement. He filled Stacey in, and even she had to laugh. Thank goodness!

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