Thursday, December 16, 2010

TJ's guesses

Tuesday night, we told the boys we were taking them somewhere fun for a surprise. TJ immediately started guessing where we might be going.

His first guess? Chuck E. Cheese
His second guess? Church (I found that interesting, and it made me very happy)
His third guess? He asked if there were two super villains and a cast of minions.


I didn't have the foggiest idea what he was talking about. I decided to let it pass. We actually took them to Fredrik Meijer Gardens to look at the displays of Christmas trees. I was disappointed in their reaction. TJ declared that I had lied because the Gardens are 'not fun'. Sam liked it, but had trouble remembering to stay with us. For some reason, I had decided that Nolan didn't need a stroller. WRONG! He couldn't keep his hands off the trees, and then would only allow me to carry him. That kid weighs a ton!

The boys perked up when we discovered an elaborate train display that went through four rooms. We spent a lot of time watching the trains.

The next morning, TJ walked up to me and said, "By the way, I was talking about the movie 'Despicable Me.' I thought you were buying it for me."

He's getting it for Christmas, I think (I'm pretty sure I suggested that to someone). I am very curious to watch it and see why my seven-year-old knows the phrase 'cast of minions'!

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