Wednesday, October 27, 2010


For the past couple years, TJ has had six pairs of Thomas the Tank Engine underwear. He's gotten taller, but has stayed so thin there was no need to purchase the next size up (he's currently still in a size 5!). Earlier this year, my mom was at the Carter's outlet store, and I asked her to pick up a 3-pack of the next size (size 6/7). They looked huge, so I set them aside and forgot about them.

Yesterday morning, TJ was mysteriously out of clean underwear. I'm not sure how he ran out, but I was just starting the laundry and the boy needed a clean pair so he could get dressed for school. I dug through his top drawer, found the Carter's package, opened it up and handed him a pair. TJ looked skeptical. He commented on how big they were, and how he wasn't sure he wanted to wear a pair of underwear with dogs on them. But he put them on, and I forgot about the incident.

This morning when TJ was getting dressed, I heard loud complaining coming from his room. I went in there and he informed me that he did NOT want to wear the Thomas pair I had laid out. He wanted to wear another new pair. Why? Because "they are so soft and cushy". I laughed and handed him a new pair. I don't do laundry enough for him to wear the new undies every day, but he agreed that he wouldn't complain if he had to wear Thomas underwear if the new pairs were in the wash.

What an odd child....

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