Saturday, October 9, 2010

Not much of a motivator

There is a campaign being waged in this house. Everyone (Bill and Sam in particular) want a cat. Everyone but me, that is. It's not that I don't like cats. I still miss Aria, and sometimes I even miss Cadence. But I don't miss the work, the cat hair on everything, the smell coming from the litter box, the scratches on my wood floor, the cat standing on me in the middle of the night... So I've been holding out. I keep saying I'm not ready. Because I'm not!

The other day Nolan decided to try and go potty (he goes poopie on the potty once a week or so for my mom, but he never does anything for me). While he was sitting on the potty (not producing) I said, "Nolan, if you stop wearing diapers and start wearing big boy underwear, and go potty on the potty, we can get a cat."

I expected him to get excited. Instead he thought it over, and said, "No. I don't want a cat." Guess that means he won't be potty training any time soon.

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