Thursday, September 16, 2010

My new nephew

I have a new nephew. Emily and Jeff had a baby boy this morning, around 9:45 Oregon time. He weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces and was 20 inches long. However, they are still debating between two names, so I cannot tell you what my new nephew's name is...yet.

I just received the following email from my father-in-law, and thought it was worth saving:

To my children,

No news on the what the Geiger child will be called. For now Cindy and I are referring to him as Number 6 or What's his Name. As a wise Grandma Geiger said : "You've know this child was coming for 9 months. What do you mean you haven't named him?" Uncle Ryan said, "What the h... is up with that?

My thought is that they need to see his college transcripts first. By that time he will be known simply as Geiger...not all bad, very few people are famous enough to be known by one name...or he will be known only by 123-45-6789 or whatever Uncle Sam dishes out to him for a Social Security number. There was a rock group in the '60's called Question Mark and the Mysteriuns. The Mysteriuns would of course be his parents.

Whatever the name, it would be nice to know by Christmas so that your kids don't fight over the left over presents under the tree.

We will keep you informed as news becomes available. If a name does not appear, please be good uncles and aunts and apologize to the guy on our behalf at the reading of the will, since he would obviously be omitted for lack of a moniker.

Dad or Steve or whatever you call me.

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