Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sam's ginormous mother

First thing this morning, Sam had his annual visit with the allergist. He hasn't had a breathing episode in months, so I anticipated this to be a quick appointment. Sam did his breathing test and then the doctor asked him to sit on the examining table. Sam climbed up and laid down so he could see out the window. 

I was sitting in a chair next to the table and I rested my arm along the pillow, just above Sam's head while I talked with the doctor. After awhile, Sam grew tired of looking out the window so he turned his head to face me. He started carefully studying my arm, which was right next to his head. 

"What's this?" he asked me and he gently pinched my triceps. I told him it was my triceps muscle. Then I flexed my arm and pointed out my bicep. Sam flexed his own arm and studied the muscles. Then he looked at mine. Then he squeezed my triceps again. Then he slapped it to see if it would jiggle. 

"Why is yours so much bigger than mine? Seriously. It's ginormous."

I can heartily assure you he wasn't complimenting my spectacular physique. He also wasn't intentionally being mean or cruel. But he definitely succeeded in giving the doctor a laugh.

You'll have to excuse me now. I'm going to go lift weights. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Initially, when we decided to build again, Bill told me (quite decisively) that he was NOT putting the sprinkler system in the new lawn. He was going to hire someone. 

Fast forward half a year. Funds are running low, and frankly, Bill can't quite squash the urge to tinker. So he informed me that he would put the sprinklers in after all (I would tell you how shocked I was, but, well, I've met him before). Then, Bill told Sam he could help put in the sprinkler system. Sam is so excited he can't stand it.

Yesterday, we were at the new house, dropping off the light fixtures to be installed. Sam asked permission to walk up and down the road and spent the entire time scoping out the neighbor's sprinklers.

This afternoon, Sam was bored. And thinking. He asked me when we could start buying sprinklers for the new yard. I told him to ask his father. Bill needed to go to the hardware store anyway, so he told Sam they could go look at sprinklers. 

Of course, Bill and Sam didn't just look. They bought some. As they were heading to the check-out, Sam informed Bill he was the best dad ever. 

But Sam's day kept improving. Bill asked him to hook up one of the new sprinklers to the hose, 'just to make sure it worked.' Sam then brought the sprinkler over to my mom's, to show her how it works. 

This will keep him happy for the foreseeable future. I love that kid!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Lack of posts

I do apologize for my lack of posts. This summer has been phenomenally busy. And whenever I have a spare moment, I'm packing or purging. I usually do my blog posts at bedtime. Instead, I've been so tired, I've been falling asleep in front of the television. 

I may blog more in September, when we are all sharing one hotel room for a month. I think it's a test of how far my sanity can be pushed. 

Whoa, Grandma!

We had dinner with Bill's mom tonight. Over the course of the meal, Ellen said something about her work. Sam looked up from his plate in surprise and said, "Grandma, you work??" 

The adults laughed and Ellen informed Sam that she has worked at the same place for 25 years. Sam looked impressed. Nolan got in on the conversation then. 

"Grandma, how old ARE you? I need to know!"

Ellen laughed again and told Nolan she was the same age as Papa (my dad). Sam immediately told Nolan that meant Grandma was 62. I have no idea how Sam remembered that. 

TJ got in on the amusement at the end of the meal. He complimented Ellen on a pie she had made. "Grandma, that was the best pie I ever ate. I think it was the only pie I've ever had."