Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My little students

Very early yesterday morning (around 1:30 a.m.), all five of us were up. It started out with a very loud thud. Sam fell out of bed. I think he's only done that once before. I hurried in there to comfort him and tuck him back in bed. He was crying pretty hard and it woke TJ up. He decided he needed to go to the bathroom. Nolan, the world's lightest sleeper, heard the commotion and started crying too. Just as I was starting to feel frustrated (Sam still needed me, and Nolan was getting himself worked up), Bill got up and went to check on Nolan, who just wanted a drink of water. Finally, everyone was settled down and back in bed.

The next morning, Sam got up and I noticed he had some red marks above and below his left eye. I am pretty sure he hit his head on the dresser when he fell out of bed. I kissed him and told him to try and stay in bed from now on.

Last night, I asked him if he told Mrs. Stegenga what happened to his eye. He said, "Yep. I told her I damaged it when I fell out of bed." I don't know if he used those exact words when he was explaining the incident to his preschool teacher, but if he did, I'm sure she had a good chuckle.

Then there's TJ. Every week, he comes home with a small packet of homework. There's a short story he has to read through, and then answer a few questions. There is also a short math assignment, and spelling words to practice each week. This week, there was no math sheet. He is in between units, so the teacher gave the class the week off. TJ was disappointed he had less homework! He finished his reader and the questions, went through his spelling words, and then asked for more work! He finally settled for reading through his library book, with some assistance from Daddy. What an odd child. I was always a good student, but I don't think I ever once complained that I didn't have enough homework!

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