Sunday, August 22, 2010

Chicken and beans??

Yesterday afternoon, out of the blue, Sam said:

"You know what, Mom? I really like chicken and beans."

This was an odd statement for several reasons. 1. It wasn't mealtime. It was the middle of the afternoon. 2. He isn't a big fan of chicken (unless it is doused in ketchup or mustard). 3. He isn't a fan of beans, regardless of what they are doused in. 4. I have never fed him chicken and beans together.

This afternoon, TJ and Sam were playing the living room. I overhead TJ say, "Sam, your fight is over." I'm not sure what fight was over, but I hope Sam fought a good one.

Tonight, we went swimming at Jon and Lisa Bratt's pool. They lived down the street from us in Comstock Park, and we've stayed in touch with them since moving out to Marne. Sam didn't really swim, but squirted people with his water bottle, and sat on the top step of the pool with Nolan (who spent a lot of time playing in his inflatable boat and demonstrating he has no fear of water, gravity, or lack of oxygen). After awhile, Sam came over the patio area and asked to sit in the hammock. He was happily swaying back and forth when he noticed Lisa watching him and smiling. Sam sat straight up and said "Hey! What are you lookin' at ME for?" Of course, everyone laughed.

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