Friday, December 3, 2010

What NOT to do when you puke

At 4:15 a.m. this morning a small voice woke me up. "Mom? I have a fever." I reached out and touched Sam's cheek, but he wasn't hot. I asked him if he had to go potty, and he said, yeah, he thought he might. I picked up my glasses and followed him into the hallway, where he suddenly began to vomit.

I have two bits of information for you:
1. It is amazing how you can switch from being half-awake to scooping up a vomiting child and running into the bathroom.
2. If you are vomiting, it makes the situation WORSE if you frantically rub your face. That is NOT something you want up your nose. Trust me. You will sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and it burns. Ask Sam. He sneezed for a couple of hours. Poor guy.

I think this was only Sam's second bout with the stomach flu. He doesn't cope with it well. He tries to convince himself (and me) that he's fine and he gets very stressed and almost angry when he vomits (hence the frantic face rubbing).

Here's hoping he doesn't get sick again for a long time. Or, if he does, that Bill is in town at the time!

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