Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sam's first bee sting

This afternoon, I defrosted the chest freezer in the garage. It had quite a bit of frost in it, courtesy of the neighbor boys constantly opening it to see if I have any popsicles.

While I finished up, Sam was in the driveway watching the sprinklers. He pooped on the potty earlier (again!!), so of course I turned the sprinklers on for him. Suddenly, he was crying hysterically and running up the driveway. I met him at at the garage entrance and he showed me his hand.

He had been stung. I think it must have been a wasp, as there was no stinger, but it got him on the palm of his hand and it HURT! As usual, Sam tried to deflect attention away from the fact that he was crying. So, he tried to blame his mother.

"Mama! It stung me! You should have put sunscreen on me!!!" Long pause. I would never laugh at a child who is in pain. "I mean...bug spray! You should have put bug spray on me!"

I brought him inside and ran his hand under cool water. He didn't want ice, but he did let me fill his water bottle with ice water and he held onto that for awhile. After 10 minutes, he was as good as new, but still rather offended that the bee/wasp had the nerve to sting him in the first place.

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