Saturday, September 11, 2010


TJ loves his Magnetix set. He builds some really creative things with the magnetic sticks and silver marbles. He has designed several different vehicles and numerous different buildings. Bill and I have determined he needs more for either his birthday or Christmas so that his creations can continue to grow.

However, because he is a boy, the Magnetix pieces are not always used properly. The silver marbles in particular seem to be tempting. A few weeks back, TJ was playing some sort of basketball game with Nolan and was throwing the silver marbles down Nolan's shirt. I thought I had retrieved them all from down Nolan's shirt, but an hour or so later, I discovered one in Nolan's diaper. Oops!

We have also had trouble with Nolan thinking it is funny to put marbles in his mouth. More than once, Bill and I have scolded him and put the Magnetix away for awhile to help Nolan remember that putting marbles in your mouth is a big no-no. Last week Sunday, Nolan forgot. He was playing in the stairwell with Sam (one of their favorite places to play, for some reason), when both Bill and I heard Nolan make a brief gagging sound and then he started to cry. Bill went over to him and Nolan pointed in his mouth and said, "all gone". Sam confirmed our fears. Nolan put a marble in his mouth and promptly swallowed it. Bill googled our dilemma and discovered marble swallowing is a fairly common problem. We decided not to panic. Nolan was in no distress or pain, and we figured it would pass in a few days. Well, unless we missed it, it hasn't passed and it has now been 6 days. It looks like I am going to have to call the doctor on Monday and see if they think an x-ray is necessary. What could that marble possibly be doing in there??

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