Thursday, March 31, 2011


Nolan turns three years old tomorrow. Needless to say, I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Either that, or I've gotten so little sleep the past 7 1/2 years that everything is just a blur. Whatever the case, Nolan is excited about his birthday. Coincidentally, he has three gifts from Mommy and Daddy to open. He is excited about that too. He keeps saying, "And I don't even know what's in them!" That's sort of the point of a present...

At dinner this evening, Nolan was looking for reasons not to eat his waffle (we had chiropractor appointments, so I had to throw dinner together quickly, so frozen waffles were on the menu for the boys, and leftovers for Bill and me). Nolan doesn't love waffles, which I find baffling. He informed me that he needed to eat some of my julienne potatoes instead. Um, Nolan doesn't LIKE those! But I put a bite in his mouth. He suddenly remembered he hates julienne potatoes, gagged, and spit it out on his plate. He looked at me very seriously and said, "Those are not good for me."

Nolan still does not give kisses, but he loves receiving them. Lately, he has been coming up to me and saying "Give me some love." That means he needs some hugs and kisses. Thankfully, he's extremely huggable and kissable, so I am always happy to oblige.

Happy Birthday, Nolan Robert! I'm so glad God decided we needed you!

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