Saturday, March 19, 2011

I did not!

I was gone overnight at a scrapbooking retreat. When I got home, I went straight to my parent's house, which is where we usually wind up on Saturday nights. The boys were already there. Nolan in particular seemed glad to see me. He followed me around a lot and kept asking for hugs. He also said, "I weally weally missed you" and "I wuv you, Mama". What a sweetheart! While he followed me around, I was asking him questions about what he had done during the day.

"Were you a good boy?" His response was "Uh huh" (although he usually doesn't admit to naughtiness!)

"Did Daddy give you a bath this morning?" His response was "Uh huh"

"Did you go poopie today?" (He's been struggling with constipation). He didn't answer this question immediately. But then he looked at me and said very firmly, "I did not!" "I did NOT go POOPIE in the bathtub!"

I'm not sure why he connected those last two questions together, but I was in no way implying he had pooped in the bathtub. Grandma thought his comment was pretty funny, however.

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