Friday, March 11, 2011

Future spelling bee champion

After his nap today, Sam had lots of energy (this means he was talking a LOT!). He said to Bill, "Hey Daddy, do you know what the letters 'P' and 'U' spell?" I was busy in the kitchen but I was very interested in his answer, so I listened closely. "It spells UP!" Sam sounded very proud of himself. He's right of course, he just has the letters out of order a bit...

Nolan is driving me nuts. He wants to be more independent than his little body will allow. He has decided he needs to go potty standing up, just like TJ (Sam still sits, but for some reason, that isn't cool to Nolan). Those of you who have seen Nolan know how short he is. He's far too short to be standing to go potty. So this means he has to run and get the stool. Then Mama has to help hold him steady, and hold well, you know, steady. It doesn't work well. It takes Nolan forever to go, and this is really hard on my back. And he's got awful aim. Usually his hand gets wet, my hand gets wet, and the back of the toilet gets wet. I'm just not a fan of this procedure and have been trying to distract him so that he'll sit on the potty and forget that the cool kids stand when they pee.

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