Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tired brother

At dinner tonight, it became very apparent to all of us that TJ was very tired. We ate meatloaf (which I made up last night...I should prep ahead of time more often!). We also had julienne potatoes, muffins, and Bill made up sweet potatoes. He's the only one of us that likes them, but I thought I would set a good example by eating some. And they weren't too terrible. Anyway, I told the boys that as soon as they finished their meatloaf OR either type of potato and they could have a Go-Gurt. I have discovered Go-Gurt is a healthy way to motivate the boys.

But not tonight. Not for TJ, anyway. Sam and Nolan both dug into their meatloaf. TJ cried, simply because there were potatoes sitting on his plate! After listening to his big brother carry on for several minutes, Nolan made a wise observation. "TJ needs a really, really long nap."

And he was right. I put TJ in bed a half hour early and he was sound asleep long before his brothers hit the sack.

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