Saturday, March 5, 2011

Size matters

The other night, Nolan and I went over to my mom's so I could exercise. He had stayed home sick from Cuddle Up Time at church, so he came along with me. I put on his coat and then realized his shoes were missing. I assumed (correctly) that they had been left at my mom's, so I just put his slippers back on his feet. At that point, we had the following conversation:

Nolan: "Mama, I don't have shoes."

Me: "Nope, Nolan, I think they are at Grandma's."

Nolan: "Well, will you carry me?"

Me: "Yes, I will carry you."

Nolan: "I need you to carry me, because I am so little and you are so big."

And that right there is my motivation for exercising!!!

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