Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Public restrooms

This weekend, we took the boys to Illinois for a two-day trip for Spring Break. We spent a day at the Illinois Railway Museum in Union, Illinois, and then we took them downtown to the Museum of Science and Industry the next day. Hopefully, I'll get some pictures up here soon.

Being gone for two days meant we used a LOT of public restrooms. The following is a short list of everything Nolan dislikes about public bathrooms:

1. Toilets that are too high
2. Automatic flushing toilets
3. Bathroom stalls that are too big
4. Toilets that flush too loudly
5. Hand dryers

The following are items his mother dislikes about public bathrooms:

1. The toilets
2. The walls
3. The floor
4. Having to touch the door to get out
5. The germs (I guess that sums up #1-#4 together!)
6. Panicky little boys who try to open the bathroom stall while their mother is still using it!

We survived with very few accidents. Nolan's only genuine accident was at breakfast yesterday in the hotel. We were right around the corner from a bathroom and he never said a word. Ugh.

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