Thursday, March 24, 2011

Walkie Talkies

After dinner tonight, the boys got out their walkie talkies. Bill had put them up on a shelf, probably because every time the boys play with them, we have fights and tears. I agreed to let the boys play with them for a little while, provided that they took turns.

Sam really struggled with the push-to-talk release-to-listen concept of the walkie talkie. He just couldn't get the hang of it. But he was having too much fun to let little details bother him. So instead of speaking into the walkie talkie, he just shouted. TJ was upstairs in the living room, Sam was downstairs in the family room. They could hear each other perfectly. Sam could hear TJ through the walkie talkie, and TJ could hear Sam because he was yelling so loudly. It was quite funny.

It didn't last for long. Nolan was getting tired and was very upset whenever it wasn't his turn, so it turned into a battle and I put the gadgets away. Sam's voice probably needed a rest anyway!

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