Wednesday, February 18, 2009

More "Sam-isms"

Today is Wednesday, which means we had dinner at church before the kids' Wednesday evening programs start. I LOVE the fact that they started offering this a little over a year ago. I found I was unable to get home from work, cook, feed the kids, and then get to church by 7 p.m. Instead, we come home, pack up what we need for church, pick the kids up from my mom's house and we are on our way.

Dinner varies from very simple to not-so-simple. They serve 150 people or so each week, and Laurie (a friend of mine) is in charge of the meals. She frequently bakes bread from scratch for all of us! Plus, she has 3 kids ages 6 and under. She claims it is 'relaxing' to cook for all of us. I am in awe of her. Tonight, she made lasagna, garlic bread, Caesar salad, and for dessert we had pretzels dipped in white chocolate.

For some reason, Sam wound up with a TON of salad on his plate. I didn't have nearly as much, so I finished mine and started eating his. He smiles and says (in his perpetually cheerful voice), "Mama! Are you eating my trees?" I laughed. I convinced him to try a few bites of 'trees' and he thought it wasn't that bad. He also ate a fair amount of lasagna and (of course) finished his garlic bread. So, I handed him his pretzels and he says in a very awed voice, "Look! Pretzels with ice cream on it!" He ate every bite.

He cracks me up.

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