Tuesday, September 1, 2009

TJ's words of wisdom

Last night, I was folding laundry and TJ walked in. I handed him one of Bill's socks and asked him to throw it away. Naturally, TJ wanted to know why, so I showed him a hole and explained that socks wear out after awhile.

Shortly after that, Bill came to me and said that TJ informed him that "something terrible has happened." Bill asked what that might be, and TJ said, "Well, we had to throw away one of your socks. Now, you need to ask for more socks for Christmas." Bill was amused. Maybe he shouldn't laugh. He hates getting socks and underwear for Christmas, so of course, I always fill a box with both, and present them to him as a joke. But I think he may need more socks before Christmas. He's awfully hard on them.

Today, I took TJ and Sam to the grocery store. I normally avoid that, as I get tired of listening to, "Mom, can we have that?" "Mom will you buy that?" "Mom, it's ON SALE! That means we can buy it!" Anyway, I had the boys in one of those extended shopping carts. They were both sitting on the bench in front of the regular cart. That sucker was a beast to push and turn. It didn't help that one of the wheels kept getting stuck. Towards the end of our trip, I commented that I really didn't like the cart. TJ's response? "Yeah, Grandma does a much better job than you."

And that would be another reason to not take them shopping. My poor ego.

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