Thursday, September 3, 2009

Simple Machines

After dinner, TJ and Nolan were downstairs playing with Daddy. I was washing dishes. Sam was outside sabotaging sprinklers (did you know if you put a toy lawn mower over a sprinkler head it can't water the lawn?). TJ decided he needed my attention. He was talking to me as he came upstairs, but as the kitchen sink was running, I couldn't quite catch what he was saying.

"Mom, I need a p...".
"What, honey?"
"I need a p..."
"I still didn't hear you. What do you need?"
"A p..."
"Maybe I don't know that word, TJ. Can you describe what you need?"

So, now he's exasperated. "MOM, I need a pulley. A pulley! You know, a simple machine!!!"

Oh. What!? Then I remembered...we learned about simple machines on an episode of "Sid the Science Kid." Cute show, and TJ forgets nothing. I explained that I didn't have a pulley, so he fished around in the kitchen for awhile, looking for materials to make a pulley (doesn't he sound just like his dad?). Finally, he took the pad of paper I make my grocery list on, carefully wrote his name on the top, and drew a very good likeness of a pulley. "Here, Mom. This is what I need. Go get it at the store."

Should I laugh? Or should I be very, very afraid?

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