Friday, September 18, 2009

How a mother quenches her thirst

On Tuesday, Bill received a job offer. It was something we thought might be coming, but it was still a big relief to have it happen. We decided to take the boys out for ice cream to celebrate.

We got to Dairy Queen and helped the boys place their orders (small vanilla sundaes with sprinkles for Sam, and chocolate and sprinkles for TJ). Bill and I ordered our ice cream, then as an afterthought, I requested a glass of ice water. Ice cream makes me thirsty.

We sat down at a booth, and the boys dug right in. No, wait. They didn't touch their ice cream. They started obsessing over my ice water. TJ grabbed it almost immediately and started slurping away. I was thinking about the bad cold he has had, and decided I would get myself a fresh straw. Nolan was observing TJ while I fed Nolan from my sundae. TJ finally pushed the water back at me, and Nolan grabbed it (yes, my kids can move faster than their mother most days). Nolan had a grand old time with the water. He'd suck water up, and then let chocolately water from his mouth go back down the straw. At that exact moment, I realized I wasn't the least bit thirsty, and you couldn't pay me enough money to drink that water. Between the germs and the chocolate, that water was beyond disgusting.

And that is how this mother quenches her thirst!

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