Friday, September 4, 2009

Ice Cream!

We don't have ice cream very often. Maybe it's because I don't eat much dairy. At any rate, I rarely think to offer it to the boys, and they rarely ask. TJ was on a Popsicle kick this summer, so he asked for those instead of ice cream cones.

But last week, he wanted ice cream. We gave it to all 3 boys in sugar cones. TJ did the best with his. Nolan kept turning his upside down to study the bottom of the cone, and then would get frustrated that his ice cream fell out every time. Sam somehow lost his grip on his and dropped it on the floor, smashing what was left of the cone to bits. It was a mess, but it was fun. I'm glad we don't do it more often, though!

I love Nolan's little ice cream mustache. He looks like Inspector Clouseau from the Pink Panther.

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