Monday, January 31, 2011

That's what you do when you are four

Sunday morning, Sam was sitting at the counter eating his Lucky Charms. I asked him if he slept well. "Uh huh" was the response I got. Then I recalled hearing someone in the bathroom during the night. I didn't think it was TJ. He is afraid of the dark and loudly closes and locks the bathroom door so that the dark can't get him while he's going potty in the middle of the night. And he NEVER remembers to flush. But I was certain I had heard the toilet flush. So, I asked Sam if he had gotten up in the middle of the night.

Sam looked surprised and a little apologetic. "Yes, I had to go potty. Was I noisy?" I told him that he wasn't noisy at all, and that I really appreciated the fact that he would get up all by himself and use the bathroom.

He looked surprised again and responded, "But Mom, I'm four. That's what you do when you are four."

I laughed. His big brother only recently stopped waking me up at night. And many four-year-olds aren't even potty trained at night. I do appreciate Sam's independence, and I appreciate his sweetness even more.

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