Tuesday, January 4, 2011


My boys all handle change differently. TJ is willing to deal with change, as long as Mom, Dad, or a grandparent is nearby, and as long as it doesn't involve the dark. He's a bit of a chicken.

Sam hates change. He is very slow to adapt, even though he usually has the skills to do whatever I have asked. Case in point...potty training. That was a nightmare, until he finally worked up the courage to try. Right now, I am trying to convince him to dress and undress himself independently. He CAN do it, he just doubts himself.

Then there's Nolan. I'm so glad he is my youngest, so that I can fully appreciate him. We moved him into his 'big boy' bed Christmas night. He also has a new nightlight, which he insists has to sit on the floor, instead of on the dresser where I thought it belonged (it's a small glowing hamster, I guess). And his white noise machine is on the nightstand next to him. He is happy as a clam in his new bed. He's so stinkin' cute when he's tucked in there too.

In the mornings, as soon as he hears his brothers, Nolan crawls out of bed, turns off his sound machine, turns off his nightlight and joins us in the kitchen for breakfast. His big brothers still can't turn off their nightlight or flip off their humidifier.

Nolan...so good at adjusting AND so responsible! Yay! I do miss listening to him sing to himself in his crib in the mornings, but I am enjoying this next stage of life. Now, to convince him that he can start potty training....

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