Friday, July 31, 2009

Stats for Sam and Nolan

Sam and Nolan both had well-child check-ups today (3 years for Sam, 15 months for Nolan). I wanted to do them together, so I had to wait until after Sam's birthday, which is why Nolan is almost a month late...he'll be 16 months old tomorrow.

I think today's appointment was one of those God things. When I scheduled these appointments, I had no way of knowing this was the last day we'd have insurance through Bill's former job. Tomorrow, we join the ranks of the uninsured (but I still don't want nationalized health care!!!). I am waiting to hear from the state if the boys will be placed on MiChild or Medicaid, and to see if I qualify for anything. Bill will probably wind up doing an individual policy through one of the agents at my work. It is surprisingly inexpensive. I will go on the policy with him if I don't qualify for state assistance.

Anyway, back to the appointment. Sam weighs in at 37 pounds (90th percentile) and 38 inches tall (63rd percentile). He's still a very solid kid, but is slowly losing his chubby look. He seems so much taller to me lately!

The nurse and I decided to weigh Nolan with his wet diaper on. The verdict? 20 pounds, 4 oz! We got the all-clear to turn his car seat around! His weight puts him in the 3rd percentile. Height-wise, he's still lagging behind at 28.5 inches (that's the 0.8th percentile). His head is gigantic, which I have said all along...71st percentile! Maybe that means he'll be a genius someday.

The doctor also helped us out by giving us some prescriptions that are affordable today, but will be pricey tomorrow. We're all set for a couple months now! Please keep praying that Bill lands a job soon!!

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