I'm sure many of you know by now that Bill lost his job on Wednesday. I've experienced a wide-range of emotions, but am doing my best to leave this one in God's hands. He has taken care of us so far, and I am convinced He will continue to do so.
Over the weekend, a long-time friend and former neighbor lost his battle with cancer. We rejoice that he is in heaven, but still have heavy hearts for his grieving boys and grandchildren.
Then tonight, my cat Aria suddenly died. She would've been 9 at the end of the month, so she was not an old cat. I got her when she was eight weeks old. When we moved into our new house, we left her at my mom's. She wasn't crazy about the kids, and she loved the quiet at my mom's. Plus, she was allowed to sit on the deck for hours on end, which she loved to do. I had every intention of moving her here someday...it just hadn't happened yet.
My mom called just as we were sitting down to dinner. She was in tears. She had found Aria on the deck. Her back legs seemed paralyzed and she was vomiting. My mom couldn't do anything for her. They found an emergency vet, and were going to rush her in...most likely to be put down. Of course, I wanted to go along, so my parents drove down here to pick me up.
Aria never made it to the vet. She died in our driveway. TJ cried just as hard as my mom and I did. My mom also got pretty badly bitten...Aria was out of her head at the end.
I don't know if she had a stroke, or if some bees or wasps got her. She was very allergic to stings, and after the last wasp got her, Bill and I didn't think she'd survive another sting. (Edited to add: My mom called the vet, and was told it was likely a certain type of blood clot that cats are susceptible to. It's a very painful way to die. My poor baby.)
I feel like I let her down, somehow. She was a very sweet cat.

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