Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bell Concerts

My older two boys love bells. Particularly church bells. Every Sunday at 9:00 a.m., TJ is in the storage room off of the balcony at church, helping the custodian ring the bell. TJ and Sam watch YouTube endlessly. Did you know there are a gazillion videos of random church bells ringing? I get bored after about a minute, but not my boys! Even after I turn the computer off, they walk around the house, swinging their arms, saying, "Bong! Bong! Bong!" Honestly, sometimes I want to put my hands over my ears and yell, "Stop the insanity!"

I blame this on Bill. I blame all of their weird traits on Bill. Wouldn't you?

Anyway, during the summer, Grand Valley offers free carillon concerts on Sunday nights. If you want to go to the downtown campus, those concerts are Wednesdays at noon. Last year, Bill took TJ to two concerts. This year, he has taken both boys to the past two Sunday concerts, and intends to attend a few more. He said last week, the boys were transfixed for the first 20 minutes. I guess passersby were smiling at them...they were so focused in on the bells and the music. Bill said TJ was a bit more wiggly tonight, but they still lasted an hour.

In early August, the boys will have the opportunity to tour the top of the carillon. I wonder if they will ever come back down. Bill used to play the carillon when we were in college, and took me up there once. Anyway, I hope he gets to a play a little for them.

I sent him with the camera....He got some good shots.

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