Friday, August 7, 2009

Some silliness

Sam has had a good week. He's cracked Bill and me up several times. Of course, we should write down the things he says a bit more often....I forget it if I don't write it down! Here's some things I do remember:

Now that he has turned 3, Sam has 'aged out' of the nursery. This means he needs to attend the first half of the church service with Bill, TJ, and me (he gets to go to Children's Worship the second half, thank goodness!). This past Sunday was his first Sunday in church. I really wasn't worried about Sam...I was worried about TJ misbehaving simply because Sam was there. Well, Sam was fine, and TJ wasn't terrible. We sit in the balcony so that we disturb fewer people, and so that the boys can 'help' Mr. Bos ring the bell at the start of church. Sam was enthralled by that.

One thing Sam didn't understand was the lengthy congregational prayer. He also doesn't understand whispering. Halfway through the prayer, he says to me (loudly!): "Hey! Stop sleeping!" Brianna was sitting with us Sunday, and I could feel her laughing.


If Sam doesn't like a certain food, he has developed the bad habit of stuffing it in his cheek. I have to watch closely to make sure he's swallowing, rather than 'chipmunking'. Well, tonight, he 'ate' an entire carrot stick, just to make me happy. Only, he didn't swallow any of it. He tucked it away in his cheeks. He left it there for almost 2 hours! He was busy and managed to disappear every time I reminded him to swallow it. I would've done a finger sweep if it had been something less meat. Finally at 8:00, I told him it was time to spit the carrot out. Well, if there's one thing Sam likes less than eating 'yucky' foods, it's spitting it out. I opened the trash can, and he swiftly swallowed the carrot. Duh. Why didn't I think of that at 6:30??


After dinner tonight, I developed a bad headache. I curled up on the couch, thinking I'd watch the boys play and hope my headache went away. Sam curled up with me...he had his head by my knees, and his well-padded you-can't-make-me-potty-train bottom in my face. I said to him, "You stink. I think you are poopy!". The next thing I knew, 20 minutes had passed. You know you're tired when you can fall asleep with a poopy diaper in your face. Sam had vanished, but the diaper fairy hadn't changed him. I had to track him down and change his diaper.


Not to be outdone, TJ has his own quirks. He loves balloons. At any time, you can go into the family room and find several blown up balloons laying around. The neighbor girls have introduced him to the joy of water balloons. Only, TJ doesn't have the heart to break them. The girls gave him a green water balloon the other night, and TJ ran it in the kitchen and gently laid it on the counter. Then he went back to watch them break their balloons. I had visions of this balloon exploding and making a mess on my counter, so I put it in a bowl. It's been 2 days. The water balloon is still there. TJ picks it up and caresses it every now and then, but he refuses to break it, or let me get rid of it. I wonder how many other moms have a water balloon on their kitchen counter....

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