Sunday, March 25, 2012

That was fun!

On Thursday night, we had a major accomplishment. Nolan did a significant poopie on the potty. I could tell he had to go, but he was doing his usual routine. He'd tell me he needed to go, I'd sit him on the potty, and two seconds later he'd be screaming at me that he wanted to get off.

Finally, I had had enough. I told him that until he did a poopie on the potty, he was not allowed to play the iPad. No Angry Birds. Dejected, he went outside to play.

About 10 minutes later, someone was frantically ringing the front door. I went to answer it and Nolan came running in. "Gotta go poopie!", he yelled, so I hustled him down the hallway. He went about 10 seconds after I got him on the toilet. It was a significant size too. I made a big deal out of this. Lots of praise and hugs and high fives.

I cleaned him up and Nolan said to me, "Hey! That was fun!"

I guess what he does for entertainment is his decision....


Today, Nolan's stuffed pig (from Angry Birds, of course), fell in the toilet. Thankfully, the water was clean, but the pig still got a good surface washing from me. I think I may have done and seen it all now. I've retrieved a stuffed pig from the toilet.

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