Sunday, March 18, 2012


Friday morning, Nolan waltzed into my parents' house and said, "I have an announcement. Mommy and Daddy are getting married."

My mom got such a kick out of that, she called me at work to ask when the wedding was. I laughed and told Bill about it. His comment? "Nolan used the word 'announcement'?" Yep. He sure did. But I thought the rest of what he said was funnier.

This afternoon, Nolan and I were (once again) discussing going poopie on the potty. Nolan had a touch of diarrhea a few days ago, and after having a couple accidents in his pants (which were by far the most disgusting messes I have dealt with in 8+ years of parenting), Nolan was so horrified that he started telling me when he had to go, and successfully made it to the toilet the last few times. This was a major success, and I made a big deal out of it. I thought maybe he was finally getting the hang of this. Alas, Nolan filled his pants on Friday evening.

SO, I was chatting with him this afternoon about how easy it was to clean up when you use the potty, and how much better your bottom felt, whatever I could think of. Nolan looked thoughtful and said, "What was it that I had? Not an enema. That's not the right word." I was confused, but asked him if he meant 'diarrhea'. Nolan's face lit up. "Yes! Diarrhea! Diarrhea is good for me. It helped me use the potty!"

I managed to get through that conversation, put Nolan down for his nap, then I walked out into the living room to share Nolan's latest pearl of wisdom with Bill. Bill was already shaking, he was laughing so hard. He heard Nolan's exclamation of how good diarrhea was for him.

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