Saturday, March 3, 2012

A few 'Nolan-isms'

At one point last weekend, Nolan wasn't feeling well (something new and different, eh?). I asked him what was wrong. He thought it over and said, "I don't know. I think I might puke. Or throw up."

He didn't do either, thankfully.

Nolan has been quite proud of his progress on the potty. He thinks staying dry should give him access 24/7 to my iPad. I disagree, but he has certainly had more iPad privileges since he's been doing so well at telling us when he has to go. The other day, he was sitting on the toilet and he said very solemly, "When I was a little boy, I wet my pants and got a 'panking." I smiled and said, "When you were a little boy? So, two weeks ago?" Nolan nodded.

We still haven't had much luck getting him to do 'poopie on the potty'. He's trying more, but most of our progress seems to be that he tells me the moment he is done filling his pants. And as gross as it is to clean him up, I love his descriptions. He poops in two sizes: big poops, and sized poops.

I'll ask him if he did a big poop, and he'll say, "No. It's just a sized poop." Neither Bill or I have any idea how he came up with that term, but at least we get a chuckle while we clean him up.

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