Sunday, March 25, 2012

Medical emergency

Sam had another rough week with his asthma. The record-breaking warm temperatures we have had have not been helping him. I've heard several people speculate that winter was too warm--we never killed off all the germs, and now that we are having an insanely warm spring, everything is blooming, blossoming, and pollinating much earlier than normal.

Bill was giving Sam one of his inhalers the other day, and they were chatting about what all might be contributing to his asthma issues. For starters, Sam has had a cold. Then Bill mentioned the fact that Katie is shedding like crazy, and there has been cat fur everywhere, despite daily brushings. They talked about everything growing outside. Bill reminded Sam that he is allergic to different grasses and trees.

Sam said, "I know! AND, I am allergic to girls!"

That allergy might be fatal!

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