Monday, December 26, 2011

TJ's Elderly Parents

Christmas morning. My children are being fairly calm and we are taking turns opening gifts. Bill opens up "The Muppet Show: Season 1" and is quite pleased. We all just saw the Muppet Movie in the theater, and the boys are big fans of Beaker and Dr. Bunson Honeydew (because their mother has taught them well). Bill explains to the boys that the DVD is the real TV show, back from when we were kids. TJ commented, "Oh. So it's in black and white, huh?"

How old does he think we are??

This morning, we were doing some cleaning and organizing. In addition to working on the post-Christmas disaster that our house turned into, I was putting fresh sheets on Nolan's bed. He had a serious Pull-Up malfunction at 1 a.m. and his bedding was SOAKED. Dumb Pull-ups. Anyway, it was getting to be lunch time and I asked Sam if he would see if Daddy would get lunch started.

A minute later, a very disgruntled Sam came into Nolan's bedroom. I asked him what was wrong. His reply was totally confusing. "No! Daddy isn't making lunch! Daddy isn't even wearing pants!" Yep. That got my attention. I went out in the hallway, turned the corner in to our bedroom and encountered Bill, minus his pants. All I said was "Where????" and he explained that he had somehow managed to spill mineral spirits all over his jeans. So he took them off.

Bill wasn't painting. Or doing any projects involving mineral spirits. Yet they were all over his pants.

Just in case you were wondering why my boys are so unsusual...

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