Wednesday, December 14, 2011

When I was a little boy...

Nolan has show-and-tell tomorrow. He is supposed to bring a Christmas item in to show his friends. He was having a hard time deciding what to bring, so I rattled off several options for him. He settled on my roly-poly Santa. Santa looks a lot like a giant plastic Weeble. He has a bell inside him that jingles when you shake him. Santa is indestructible. I received him as a gift shortly after I was born. So, he is 35 years old and his jingle still works! Trust me, he's been dropped a million times, kicked, and endured various other forms of torture. Not that my siblings and I were intentionally mean to Santa...stuff just happens, you know? So, I wasn't really worried about Nolan bringing an antique toy to school. If I couldn't break him, no one can.

I wanted Nolan to be able to explain to his friends that Santa belongs to Mommy and she's had him since she was a baby, so he is a very special toy. I told him this, and then awhile later asked him if he remembered.

I said, "Who does Santa belong to?" Nolan promptly responded with, "He's yours, Mommy." I nodded and then asked how long I had had Santa. Nolan smiled confidently and said, "You got him when you were just a little boy!"

Close enough.

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