Sunday, August 28, 2011


So when I was at the store today, I bought one of those daily pill sorters. I cannot keep track of what I have and have not taken. I'm on 5 prescriptions, 2 of which I take twice a day, 1 I take 3 times a day, and 2 I take once. I can fondly remember the days when I only took a multi-vitamin.

So, now I've got all of my pills sorted for the week. I was quite proud of myself until I realized all I need is an AARP card and a Medic-alert bracelet, and I'm a full-fledged senior citizen.

In case I never blogged about it, I have orthostatic syncope and neurocardiogenic syncope. In a nutshell, the reflex that should keep my blood pressure steady doesn't work properly. It drops when I sit still, and it drops when I change position (it's especially bad then). And I have lower blood pressure to begin with, so when it drops, I black out and/or get dizzy. The medications are an attempt to raise my blood pressure and counter-act that faulty reflex.

Yay me.

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