Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Sweet Sam

Sam's birthday is coming up. It isn't until July 23, but it is already causing me some stress. Why? Because I have no idea what to get him. He spends hours outside carrying around a spray water bottle I got him at the dollar store. He walks around studying the sprinkler system, our air conditioner, and asking endless questions.

I decided to be up front with Sam. I told him his birthday was coming up soon and that I needed gift ideas. I asked him what he wanted. He turned to TJ with a slightly confused look on his face. TJ said, "You want a train table." Sam immediately turned back to me and said, "I want a train table." I told him that no, he didn't want a train table. I didn't want TJ's gift ideas, I wanted to know what HE wanted. Sam agreed to think it over.

The next day, the topic of birthdays came up again. Sam informed me that "When you turn four, you stop wearing diapers." I asked him if that meant HE was going to stop wearing diapers when he turned four (he still wears pull-ups at night and occasionally during the day). His response? A very firm, "Yes". If Sam has made up his mind, I strongly suspect he will never allow a diaper or pull-up to be put on him as of his birthday. Fine by me. We are making very slow, but definite progress with having him poop on the potty, so he may be completely trained by then.

After this bit of information, I asked Sam if he knew what he wanted for his birthday. He looked hesitant and then said, "A toy?" I asked him what kind and he admitted he didn't know. I asked him if he would like a new squirt gun and his face lit up. He will definitely be getting one.

He is so sweet, but this also makes me sad. I mean, is it normal for a child not to know what he wants? I don't want a child who is constantly demanding things, but having a child who doesn't seem to know what he wants is also frustrating.

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