Monday, July 5, 2010

Those poor birds!

We are in the midst of a warm and humid stretch. Yesterday was the 4th of July. Our official high was 92 degrees. Now that we have central air, I'm not minding the heat much. The boys seem oblivious to it and play outside for long stretches. I just have to slather them with sunscreen occasionally.

Being obsessed with weather as they are, the boys usually know the daily forecast. On the way to church yesterday morning, we had a conversation that went like this:
Sam: "Mom is it going to be hot today?"
Me: "Yes."
Sam: "Oh. It's not a good day for birds."
TJ: "What? It is too a good day for birds!"
Sam: "Mom says it's going to be hot."
TJ: "So? The birds can still fly!"

Bill and I snickered quietly through that conversation, but did not interrupt. Later in the day, the topic was picked up again.

TJ: "I didn't realize it was going to be so hot today."
Sam: "It is not a good day for birds."
Bill: "Why isn't it a good day for birds?"
Sam: "I don't know."
TJ: "Sam, you can't just say 'It's a bad day for birds' unless you are going to tell us why."

That was the end of the conversation as Sam wasn't quite sure why it was a bad day for those poor birds.

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