Thursday, September 4, 2008

Where did Mr. Sunshine go?

No, I'm not talking about the weather. I'm talking about Sam. Sam, my dear sweet little boy, who has been a ray of sunshine ever since we fixed his tummy troubles. Someone has taken my sweet Sam away.

In his place, they left a loud, grumpy, violent two-year-old. I do not know who this child is, but he head-butts, throws things, and screams loudly whenever he doesn't get his way.

If you have seen Sam, please return him. You may have the creature who has been sleeping (or not sleeping, since it's more fun to cause trouble) in his bed.

I hate the Terrible Twos. Never did I think Sam would test me. Well, I'm pushing back with a firm hand. He's going to be sitting in time-out every time he sticks a toe over the line. Hopefully, he'll knock it off and Mr. Sunshine will be back.

On the other hand, TJ seems to be doing beautifully at school. No naps, so he's absolutely exhausted by bedtime. He goes right to sleep and ignores his little brother's antics. Whew.

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