Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Today's Deep Thought

Most of you with young children either own or have seen an exersaucer. I currently have my sister-in-law's, since she had an extra, and have lent mine to another sister-in-law. These things are so big and awkward to store! It's much better to share than to buy your own.

Anyway...why is it that they have a snack compartment and a spot for a juice cup? Think this through with me....I was under the impression that most babies used these between five months and one year of age. As soon as they are mobile, they don't want to be in them anymore. I suppose some kids don't use them once they are crawling. Now, maybe my kiddos are oddballs, but I don't give five- to twelve-month olds a snack and a juice cup while they are playing in the exersaucer. One, that would mean they are most likely eating unsupervised. Pretty dangerous for a baby, in my opinion. Two, my kids were eating a few fruit puffs and cheerios at that age, but really not that many. They really got into snack-type foods only after they were through the exersaucer stage.

Has the weight problem in our society really gotten so bad that we refuse to believe that even our babies can play without having food and a beverage nearby? (rolling my eyes here)

If you think I'm way off base, feel free to leave a comment!


Bill said...

I remember kickin back after a hard day of screaming, pooping, eating and puking with a cold one and some chexmix in my exersaucer while watching the game. It's kinda foggy now, but those were the days.

Anonymous said...

This IS a deep thought-- sounds like you have been pondering this.

Not sure what my call would be on this... I am just jealous of those that have exersaucers!!! lol