Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Ho-Hum Birthday

I turned the big 3-2 today.

I am of the opinion that once you turn 25 and can rent a car without being hassled, all of the good birthdays are done. Now, I am simply getting older. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy birthdays, it's just that I don't anticipate them any more.

Today's birthday was pretty boring. It's Monday, for starters. The main reason it was boring is that Bill is gone all week. He's in Chicago for job training. He still made a great effort, though. I got a card and flowers Saturday night, along with a multi-head screwdriver (yes, I asked for that, as he is always losing the other screwdrivers. This one is all MINE!). He called me today, too. I got other phone calls, cards, and e-mails. One was even from my best friend who is notorious for forgetting my birthday (way to go, Elisabeth!). And my Mom had us come over after supper for a brownie and ice cream. TJ insisted I needed two candles stuck in the brownie, because there are two numbers in my age. He also wondered if I had grown any taller.

I suppose the very best part of my birthday was that I got to go grocery shopping all by myself. My mom put the boys to bed for me.

I just feel a little lonely. Birthdays are no fun when your favorite person is gone. My mom dealt with this all the time when I was growing up, since my Dad was traveling so often. I wonder if you ever get used to it. I hope I don't need to find out.

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