Monday, October 21, 2013

Lesson Learned

If your five-year-old doesn't eat more than a bite or two of his Little Debbie at snack time, repeatedly tells you he doesn't feel so good, wants to hug you instead of sit at the dinner table, and starts crying when you convince him to take a bite of his rice, he's probably sick. If you still don't believe me, make him take a second bite of rice. Then grab his plate and hold it under his chin while he tosses his cookies. 

I've got a little boy with a tummy bug. I wasn't feeling so great myself today, so I didn't pick up on his cues this afternoon. After cleaning up the mess at dinner, we snuggled down to watch Backyardigans together. Eventually, I realized I was the only one still watching. 

I hope we both feel better tomorrow. I hope no one else gets sick. 

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