Monday, February 4, 2013

I missed you

I was at a scrapbooking event this weekend from late Friday afternoon to the middle of Sunday afternoon. It was great. I finished our family Disney album and worked quite a bit on Sam's album. It was a nice weekend away.

On my way home, I stopped by the grocery store and did our shopping for the week. So my car was quite full by the time I got home. I walked up to the back door, arms full of groceries, and Bill yanked the door open. He didn't even say 'Hello', just announced that 'You know, I miss you for completely different reasons than I did ten years ago when you would go to these things. You see, you're on my team.'

Apparently, he's saying that ten years ago, he missed me and was lonesome when I was gone. Now he just misses me because he's a man down. How touching.

In his defense though, I have been where he has been. I don't think I've ever met him at the back door, but I have felt tremendous relief at hearing the back door open when he's been in Detroit for a few days. Being alone with three boys is scary!

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