Sunday, February 10, 2013

Any volunteers?

I am taking volunteers for people to sit next to Sam in church. It's not that he's naughty or annoying, he just asks so many questions. It wears me out! Here are a sampling of this morning's questions:
*Why isn't Methuselah still alive?
*What does Jesus look like?
*Do you think the Holy Spirit knows what Jesus looks like?
*Take the words 'there', 'their', and 'they're'. Would you spell them and use them each in a sentence?

TJ listened to Sam's questions and chimed in one. He informed me that if Methuselah had lived 31 more years, he would have been 1000 years old. The Children's Bible TJ was reading from said Methuselah lived to be 969. TJ's math was right on.

I can remember these things. Unfortunately I didn't get a whole lot out of the sermon this morning. I wonder why.

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