Monday, January 28, 2013

The facts of life (according to TJ)

Background information
1. I hate to bake (if this is new information to you, you clearly don't read my blog very carefully).
2 My sister Amanda loves to bake.
3. TJ loves to bake.
4. Amanda and her girls spend at least one day a week visiting my mom. Amanda needs some occasional adult interaction.
5. Today was a snow day.

TJ walked into my mom's house this morning and was quite pleased to see Amanda was there. He announced, "We need to bake today. We haven't baked in AGES! You've been too busy having babies!"

They baked brownies together at nap time.

TJ has no idea why Bill and I were laughing when Bill related this story to me at the dinner table. He was quite offended that we laughed. He insists that Auntie Boo's babies truly are the reason they don't bake much these days....

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