Thursday, November 8, 2012


Our weekday mornings have a very strict routine.  I'm out of our bathroom by 7:00, so Bill can jump in the shower.  Just before 7:00, he starts setting out breakfast. While he is in the shower, I make sure the older two boys get dressed and everyone starts eating.  While they eat, I finish packing their lunches.  At 7:30, I kiss everyone good-bye and head out the door for work. Bill then dresses Nolan, packs up all 3 boys, brings TJ and Sam to the bus and then drops Nolan off at my mom's.  Then he starts his workday.

Wednesdays are different, because I don't have to go to work.  I get up at 7:00, make sure the older two boys are dressed and eating, and then I finish packing their lunches.  I do that so I don't have to keep reminding everyone to make sure someone packed the lunches.  Then I kiss TJ and Sam and crawl back into bed.  Nolan usually joins me in my room and plays with the iPad until I'm fully conscious.

I really was sleepy yesterday.  I packed the lunches, kissed all three boys, and went back to bed.  When I woke up, Nolan gave me a hard time for kissing him good-bye when neither of us left.  He said he had to give it back.  I leaned over him and assumed he would give me a kiss.  But instead, he just pressed his face into mine.  Apparently, that is how you get un-kissed.

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