Tuesday, November 20, 2012

TJ's thankful card

Yesterday when I was unpacking TJ's backpack after school, I found this:

You may have to tap the picture in order to see the entire note card.

In case the handwriting of a third grade boy isn't your specialty, allow me to translate:
TJ: I am sad and thankful for my uncle, because he is in Afghanistan fighting for our country. Also, could you pray for my Uncle Jared?

I was rather choked up when I read this. After I pulled myself together, I asked TJ what the card was for. He responded that everyone had to write down what they were thankful for and it was posted in their class. They were done with the cards now, so he had brought his home.

I was shocked. So often, TJ's life seems to revolve around petty things: Ninjago, Legos, Angry Birds. But none of those things were mentioned on his card. Instead, he was thankful for something much more important. Family.

TJ turned nine years old today. He is definitely growing up. And after reading his assignment, I couldn't be more proud. If only he had spelled 'Jared' correctly....

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